

The Demon king
Chapter 1 [The Beginning]


All they do is eat like pigs all day
While I do all the work....... If it weren't
for the promise Aunt Li made To my mom
she would have killed me already..

I honestly don't know why Aunt Li dislikes me
So much. I was just a kid when she took me in
.... I don't have any dislikes for her
I've always taught of her as a mom to me.

Sometimes she hits me until I bleed...
For no reason, I guess thats what she does
to me for fun, Unlike me she loves my older
Sister Ri yui.... like a lot.

She often takes her to the village when
she goes out on an errand, I guess she fancys
her a lot.... I just wished that I would have just
Died besides my mom.....

At least I would have been in a happy place,
Rather than staying here and suffer......
Many times before I've overheard Aunt Li
Saying that she's going to marry off my sister
To Lu Ying [the demon king........

© Im_just_lonely