

Uncle Tom
The dark side of my own story let me introduce myself I'm Kiel the step son of Tom I was seven when the universe allow me to enter to the world of devil people.
It was dark, scary and most specially thrilling you never know what happen next.
Do you think I enjoyed? Yes of course this is the world I enjoyed the most sadness and pain embraced me whole heartedly .
Would you like to join? I will share the same excitement I had , don't be scared it will run smoothly into your life.
Awful noise of scream bring me back to the present someone in my neighborhood just did. My mother rushed into the neighbor and So I am.

A body laying in the floor showered by his own blood it was Vince one of the boy's bullied me. Hep don't misinterpret this I did'nt kill Vince! I was in my room all throughout this day.
Miriam mother of Vince said she saw someone wearing heels and figure of a woman killed his son.
"I did'nt saw the face of a woman but I think I'd seen her somwhere just can't figure out where"Miriam told the police investigator.

Base on his observations the killer is a professional one no trace of any evidences. A woman he said what a exciting one!

To be continued.