

Abyss Loop #1
Aria was just 7 years old when she first witnessed a murder.

It was on the day of her cousin's 8th birthday. A small gathering was conducted in the backyard of their house. Aria who lived in another town, visited him with a big present in her small arms, barely holding it totally, her father supported her to carry it.

But in the end, it just fell down on the floor before they enter the house. Although the present wasn't anything breakable, still Aria sobbed due to her failure of holding it.

“You don't have to worry about it. That's why you shouldn't be stubborn and just let me carry it.” He scolded.

Her sobs turned into big tears falling through her cheeks. Her father held his head in regret for scolding her more when she was already sobbing. “Oh god..” He thought.

“So crocodiles do cry?” Aria's tears immediately stopped when she heard that tauntful voice. And here arrives his cousin grinning from the front door, dressed formally in a suit, with a rose attached in the side of his coat. “I look like a gentleman but my visitors aren't gentle at all.” He continued with his mockery.

Is he referring to me? His father thought as a nerve was seen on his forehead. “Luci... perhaps you are referring to me? as a not gentle person?” He asked with a very polite and soft tone.

“Of course not uncle. How could I?” He said gesturing his hands and smirked at him. “I was referring to the 'guests' of course. But if you think that you are the most suitable person for what I said then feel free to think so.”

This brat got a way with his tongue and tone. How skillfully at such a young age, he manages to give such taunts and mockery. He thought.

“Did you call me a crocodile?” Aria asked as her face reddened.

“Uhm..” He grinned, “I was simply asking a question to my servant before coming here, perhaps you heard it. Were you crying to assume that I was referring to you?”

He glanced at her from head to toe and a little smirk appeared on his face. “The party is gonna start soon, please come in.” He gestured his hands, signalling them to come inside.

“Not now Luci....” Her father looked down at the broken present that was a remote control car. “I need to give this toy for a repair or maybe buy a new one.” He said rustling his hands through his hair.

“Fret not, uncle. I don't need such presents. Arrival of you two is the biggest present for me.” He smiled gently, “Please come inside...”

Now this doesn't seem that he was told by his parents to say this when encountering such problems or perhaps is he really that mature? Aria's father thought, it's been 3 years since he last met his nephew because he was hospitalized because of some accident. How did he grow to become so mature? Perhaps he was just overthinking.

As they walked towards the balcony of his house. Aria flinched and stopped. Her father noticed some of his relatives and went towards them for chatting, leaving Aria alone with her cousin at the door.

“What happened?” Luci whispered to her while patting her back.

“You didn't told me that they are also invited.” She said hesitantly.

Luci looked at the group of girls standing near a tree, playing some type of party game together.

“Aren't they your friends?” He asked.

“They were..” She said looking at her feet nervously.

Lucy grabbed her hand and pulled her.

“Wha...?” Aria being captured off gaurd gets pulled towards his room.

Luci locks the door while Aria looks at him in confusion.

“How about something fun?” He asks as a grin appears on his face.

“What do you mean?”

“I am saying...” He walks around her circling her like a vulture. “Switching roles....”

“WHA....WHAT??” Her mouth was covered by his palm before she completed her sentence.

“Keep it low dear sister, even walls have ears....” He whispered with a smirk on his face. “Tsk, let me explain. After all the guests arrive, there would be a mask event. Everyone would wear party masks.”

“Hmph...hngh” She choked in his palm as her nose was also covered.

“Hm...my bad..” He said leaving her and raising his hands.

She took a deep breath and looked at him.

“I was saying....” He continued explaining. “We would swap our clothes and play the role of each other. Sounds fun right?”

“What if they find us?”

“The one who gets caught first, will be the loser.”

Aria gave it some thought. She is getting to know her brother after a long time and the game also sounds fun. After all she could even avoid those girls at the party.

Aria agreed.


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