


There has been a rumor lately spreading like wildfire. People in our small village said that about five days ago, a strange tall building began appearing at nightfall. They claim that the building's color can't be seen, even if you shine a light on it. You can only see the abyss. They also say that although the structure is invisible, its shadow is another story. A light is said to emanate from the top of the building, and almost everyone who has witnessed this light has gone missing.

My friend Kevin visited me yesterday and told me he and his brother were among the latest witnesses to the phenomenon. He said that while they were heading home, something caught his attention. He stopped walking to investigate the light that flashed in his eyes, letting his brother Ken stroll away without him. The streets were almost empty, given the late hour. As Kevin continued searching for the light source, he realized he was alone in the middle of the night.

The light shot across his eyes again, and this time he managed to identify the source. It was coming from a very tall tower. The light was in the form of a globe, continuously spinning violently, flashing in all directions. He felt drawn to the light. His legs began moving closer and closer to the blackened structure. As he approached the building, he felt an overwhelming sense of peace, as if all his worries had been taken away. Seeing the door that led into the tower, he reached out to grab the handle. Immediately after touching it, he heard a faint voice mumbling something in the distance.

"Kevin. Keevin."

"Wait a minute... Is that Ken? Ken! Where are you?" Kevin called out.

The tower began to crack, and the ground started to shake. Pieces of rock and brick began falling around Kevin. Just as he was about to be hit by the light, he snapped out of the hallucination, finding his brother shaking his shoulders and calling his name.

"What happened to you?" Ken asked.

"I saw a tower. Didn't you see it too?" Kevin replied, puzzled.

"No, I didn't see any tower. You were standing in the middle of the road! You could have been hit by a reckless driver!"

Kevin told me it was the last time he saw the tower, and he was thankful his brother was with him that night. Otherwise, he didn't know what would have happened to him.