

Today I have been thinking what my life would be if I haven't meet you. And that thought make me ache my heart.
Oh, my little heart, don't be in pain, because the one you love it's here with you. But let's suppose, okay? an "If..."
If I haven't meet you, my life would be empty. As you know, my happiness it's you. You're the one that I'll always love.

Are you smiling, heart? c'mon, I have so many things to tell, cutie.

If I haven't meet you, my life could be like: "Why do I see the world so dark? something it's lost here. I need someone."
And that someone it's you, my beautiful person. You were the person who I was looking for a long time.

You're the person who resolves all my problems only with your presence and smile. My life it's empty and lost without your love. Can you hear my heartbeats, sunshine? they're beating so hard because of you!

My cheeks are answering to my butterflies. And my lips are getting close to yours.

I love you.

© whodoesntlovespring