

Little Angel
It was a beautiful evening. The sun dipped and the moon rosed in the pale blue sky. We entered our area park to inhale some fresh air. Slowly but firmly, he held my hand and conveyed his vision of love into my eyes. Together we walked miles. The warmth and comfort, which I received from him made me feel shy. Suddenly, a musical smile traveled towards us and our legs got stuck as we can't move further. OMG!! even our legs have hearing sense. We turned towards the direction of the smile. What an heart melting sight it was. Little angels were playing and spreading happiness and smile all around the park.
We saw a bench in front of the play area and thought of resting there for a while. The bond between our hands got stronger and we both indulged in the same thought. We are still waiting for the arrival of our little angel. Hoping that oneday our house will be filled with beautiful smiles 😊