

My Abusive Father
My dad was a drugs addict. Everyday he would come home late and hit my mother till she's sored. I told her to report him to the cops but she said she's scared. I was getting older and tired to clean up his mess. I wasn't allowed to have fun or go to school or leave the house, I felt as if I was imprisoned without my knowledge.
On my tenth birthday he consistently hit my mother because she mistakenly spill the drink on him. He hit her so hard she fell on the ground, her body was lifeless. I started crying, I was scared and terrified. My father looked at me with angry and hatred. He yell at "this is your fault, you were never supposed to be born, you are just like her, pathetic, foolish and stupid" I started crying even more. My whole life is shattered. As I grew older he began to abuse me and I became timid and afraid of him. He blamed me for taking my mother's life, he blamed me for everything. I hate him, I felt the same way my mom felt 7 years ago. I wanted to fight back but I didn't have the strength to. I didn't have any other family member to turn to. But I had enough of him, I want revenge for my mother's death. I wanted to stab him in the chest while he's asleep but I didn't want to become a monster like him, this is the only way out. I pack a small bag with clothes and the little savings my mom used to give to me weekly when she was alive. I creep into his room and he was sound asleep and did exactly what I planned. I ran far away in the rain with his blood on my hands. I went down on my knees crying and screaming. I was emotionally broken. I was in pain. I prayed and ask God to forgive me. I didn't want to become a monster but I had to for my mother.
© Cammy