

A good number of Christian teachings border around Peace and Tranquillity.
For instance, we read and take note of the following statements. ' Pursue after those things that make for peace; Peace I leave with you but not as the world gives it; He who pursues Justice and Kindness will find Life and Honor.'
The foregoing indicates how necessary and non negotiable PEACE is for community development and peaceful coexistence. The absence of peace in a community is replaced by hate, jealousy, management disturbances, tribal and ethnic disturbances leading to wars.
How do we promote Peace in our communities? In the first place the home should promote Peace through regular teaching and nurture. we must not forget that the home is the cradle of nation or state. Apart from the responsibility of the home, the educational system must include programmes that cater for teaching attitudes that contribute to peaceful living and coexistence.
Every department of governance must understand the people they work with: some people are SANGUINE (extrovert and open minded), others are PHLEGMATIC (introvert and not open minded), there are also others who are CHOLERIC (difficult to get along with and sometimes wicked), the last but not the least of the temperaments is the MELANCHLIC( gloomy, not always optimistic about certain matters). People have to be taught to discover and polish their temperaments for PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE.