

Do our dreams reflect our real feelings?

Have you ever had a dream that was so heavy it disturbed your peace? Perhaps it was a good dream or a haunting nightmare. Sometimes we can't remember a dream, yet other times we can't forget it. Regardless, it affects how we think and the situations in our lives.

Reflecting on my own dreams, I noticed they were connected to the situations I was in. This made me think that dreams are linked to our conscious thoughts. When I couldn't control my emotions anymore, I often sought solitude and found myself sleeping. When my heart felt heavy, I dreamed of something that felt real, and tears flowed freely. The dream was so burdensome that it led me to wonder about it ever since. The hate and feelings I couldn't express in real life continued to haunt me in my sleep.

In our lives, we encounter situations that sometimes feel overwhelming. People say that talking and sharing our burdens helps us feel better, even if it doesn't provide solutions. Just sharing how we feel can lighten the heaviness of our thoughts.

In a nutshell, dreams serve as our internal guide for our actions. They remind us of the reality we're in. Sometimes we forget who we really are and fail to accept our reality. But remember, dreams often guide us when we're feeling lost. Therefore, we must use these dreams to progress and envision the future we want for ourselves.

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