

After dealing with all the hardships of 11th final exams, we got 52 days of winter vacation as a reward!!

I always find it hilarious how it's so hard to pass the bad days as compared to good ones, like you won't even feel it but when you look back at it, it's already been ages. I feel like it was just yesterday that our winter vacation started and it's completely over now. Including today, it's the fifth day since the school reopened. If you ever get chance to pause the time for forever, would you pause it? If it were me, then I would love to do it but it's just a fairy tale.

I don't know why I always get the feeling that the vacation is never enough, urgh!!
I guess the reason behind my unsatisfying holidays is the hatred I've been carrying inside my heart towards my school, for me school isn't a good place to be. I have so many worst memories with school and whenever I think about it I get traumatized. What about you? do you like school? or do you have any good or bad memories to remember with school?

Today was my first day of the new academic session and to be honest I wasn't really happy about it, I was so damn nervous and I was worried about the teachers and their KBC (kaun banega crorepati) question, like why didn't I come school for 3 days and why is it that you're coming from today and all. I was sitting with my friend and I don't know why but my class teacher made him sit in infront and now I ended up all by myself. While sitting alone I was wondering how to tackle her cause she doesn't like me nor do I, HEHE!!

After few minutes a voice came from outside, "may I come in mam?" and it was her (let's give her name A), she was scolded by the teacher, "why are you late?"
'A' sat with me and all my worries disappeared cause I no longer had to sit alone and I wouldn't be the only one facing her dominance. Time slowly passed away and every teacher continued with the same dialogue, "Now all of you are in 12th, time to get serious with studys, work hard and don't score less then 90". Like what really do they think of us as? Children of Einstein? or an empty box where they can fill all of their expectations?

During lunch break it was full of chaos for captainship, most of the 12th students from different streams were filling the form for the position of prefect. You might be wondering if I filled the form too and the answer is NO.

For me the best part of school is the last bell for holiday, it brings a smile on my face. I mean, doesn't it bring a smile on everyone's face?
I went home with my few friends and we made a plan to have a tea. The reason why we made a plan to have tea was because of the cold weather and we were feeling damn cold, we spent our day in a class with window frame only and no glasses , if you can imagine, then please do imagine our situation, February cold with cold wind blowing in your face. We ordered 7 cups tea with snacks and we were talking, cracking jokes and laughing loud and a thought hit my brain, "It isn't the place where you spend but it's the people with whom you spend. A beautiful place might feel dull and a dull place might feel beautiful, it all depends on the people by whom you're accompanied". Now I've changed my mind, I don't wanna pause the time cause if I do, then I won't get another chance to create more beautiful memories.

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