

The search for outsiders
The search for outsiders

It was exactly 2 o'clock in the dark of night. And Inspector Kedar Morli and his Havildar Manohar Trivedi came to a village called Manjar at that time. At that time, there was a lot of harassment of an outsider named Sapo Jagir in that village. Sapo Jagir was such a ferocious outsider that he was feared in 15 to 20 surrounding villages. Police also failed to find the outsider. Finding and arresting an outsider who was very smart and adventurous was also a big problem for the police.
That is why Inspector Kedar Morli and his Havildar Manohar Trivedi came to a village called Manjar from a village called Manotra in search of an outsider. Manjar village was then a village of Chhewada, about 10 km away from Manotra village. At that time Ishwar Lokhandwala was appointed as the Sarpanch of Manjar village. That is why Inspector Kedar Morli and his constable Manohar Trivedi decided to spend the night at his house.
At that time, like every day, Sapo Jagir came to this village with the intention of looting. At that time Inspector Kedar Morli and his Havildar Manohar Trivedi were encircling the village with a few brave men from the village to catch him. But Sapo Jagir was also a very smart and adventurous outsider. Despite the arrival of police in the village, he lost his courage and looted Chuda Soni's shop and fled.
When the villagers and Inspector Kedar Morli and his Havildar Manohar Trivedi came to know about this, they became very angry and Manoman decided that he would not sit quietly until he caught the outsider named Sapo Jagir. At that time, the gang of SP Jagir was joined by the notorious outsiders Manu Mosana and Gigo Sura and they had a gang of 15 to 20 men. At that time
Manjar village sarpanch Ishwar Lokhandwala was also accompanied by Inspector Kedar Morli and his constable Manohar Trivedi. And another police officer team was also spoken from Manotra village. And all the snakes were working day and night to capture the manor.
At that time, in all the other villages, there were rumors of looting of snakes and their gangs and killing of people. At that time, the fear of Sapo Jagir was so great that people were afraid to tell the police. So no one talks to the police. That is why the sarpanch of all the surrounding villages and with the help of some youths and the police in the village started the search to catch the outsider. At that time, Sapo Jagir also understood that all the villages have come together to catch him.
Now they felt that the current situation was not right so they decided to stay away from their gang for a while so they started living apart from their gang.
And all will gather again on the eve of Holi and again plunder and intimidate in all the villages. That is how Sapo Jagir told his sheep.
So they all stayed away for a while. And when the festival of Holi came, all gathered again and all went to Morwadi village to take sukan. At that time Morwadi village is located at a distance of about 3 kilometers from Manjar village. And the Holi sakan of that village was considered very auspicious. People also started their business by taking Holi sakan from Morwadi village. So Sapo Jagir also came to take the Holi sakan of that village and his companions were also with him. And at the same time, Inspector Kedar Morli and his fellow police inspector Ranjit Lathi Wala also arrived.
At the same time, the inspector's eye fell on the dreaded outsider and his gang and there was a scuffle between the police and the outsider to catch the dreaded outsider and the matter came to a head. Seeing this, the people of the village started running away and all fell asleep. There were also reports of some villagers being killed in the stampede. And there was a horrible firing between the outlaws and the police. And there was an atmosphere of fear in the whole village from this firing. And the outsiders were fighting very bravely to take that relief.
In this firing incident, when the outsider escapes with a sigh, the police bullets hit 4 to 6 outsiders and they die and one bullet also hits the snake Jagir and he is also badly injured and the firing from the outsider Inspector Kedar Morli is killed and Ranjit Lathiwala is also seriously injured. The people of the police and the sarpanch are working hard to kill this outsider everywhere due to the incident like firing of such outsiders.
And if a bullet hits a snake, it survives.
There was also an incident of robbery of some souls. But they were doing a very good job of robbing these souls, robbing the villages but never looking down on the daughter in a day and if someone is poor, they give the looted money to the poor people, this made them wow and whispered their names. Were also sung. The police and their team were also very annoyed to see how many people considered this outsider as their good friend.
The name of an outsider named Manuj Molly was also mentioned a little, so he robbed a village called Dungarpur by using the name of Sapo Jagir and also cast a bad eye on the women there. And people started hating him and when Sapo Jagir came to know about this, he came to Dungarpur village the next night. Dungarpur village was about 15 kilometers away from Manjar village. At that time, he threw a rope in the village and said, "Don't be afraid, I am speaking like a snake, and tomorrow someone has robbed the village by using my name and has also cast a bad eye on the women of the village, so come out and tell me the truth."
At that time a few people from the village came out boldly and stood in front of Sapo Jagir. At that time, there was a lot of fear among the people of the village, but Sapo Jagir said that you should tell me the truth without feeling fear. So the people of the village bravely told the truth and the people of the village took the name of Manuj Molly in the ears of Sapo Jagir. As soon as he heard this name, Sapo Jagir got angry and he told the villagers that in just 2 hours, if not Manuj Molly in front of you, then my name is not Sapo Jagir.
The next day he was on his way from Dungarpur to Gomti Nagar when it was about 9 o'clock at night and Manuj Molly was standing in front of the road with his gang and it was as if this little outsider was laughing. Let me take fear of myself by taking the name of And I could not recognize him as Sapo Jagir and I would say to him in a voice that made him tremble, "Stand up, whatever you are, I speak Sapo Jagir." And you will surrender to me or I will be killed without you.
Hearing this, Sapo Jagir also understood that this is the same Manuj Molly who robbed Dungarpur village by using my name and looked down on the women there, so he said that I am Sapo Jagir, who are you? Hearing this, Manuj Molly's haja fell down and started fleeing and the people of his gang ran away in fear after hearing the name of Sapo Jagir but Sapo Jagir was not an outsider and Manuj Molly grabbed him and tied him with a rope and tied him with a rope. He tied one end in his hand and tied the other end to Manuj Molly and sat on his horse and came to Dungarpur village and Manuj Molly also came to Dungarpur village in a bloody state, sliding and screaming with the ground.
At the same time, I will say in a voice that has cast a spell on him in the village that this is the same person who looked down on your women in your village and carried out a robbery in the village. This is the same Manuj Molly whom I promised to catch. The people and women of the village immediately recognized him and I would say this is the person who robbed the village and gave a bad look to the women of the village. After hearing all this, Sapo Jagir fired 4 to 5 bullets from his gun and killed Manuj Molly.
When Inspector Ranjit Lathi came to know about this, he immediately chased away the accused Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh from Manpur and they immediately came to Dungarpur and found out everything and he deployed all the troops to catch this snake Jagir. At that time, Sapo Jagir and his gang were harassing all the other villages and killing and plundering all the people. They were stealing the standing crops from the fields. They were also taking away the cattle of the people and plundering all the people. Were also caught and many people were killed. He also killed Inspector Somal of Kesar Nagar.
Now the police and sarpanchs of all the villages were working hard to catch them. The monsoon season was on and this rain was very dangerous for Sapo Jagir and his team so they resorted to the forests of Pandra and settled there. In order to escape from the police, there were 15 to 18 outsiders in his team and food had to be arranged to run such a team. So 4 to 5 people of that team went outside to hide from the police and arrange food.
Out of the 4 people who went to arrange this meal, 3 people were caught by the police and all the facts about Sapo Jagir were told to the police so the police were also very eager to catch them now so they caught the outsider and sent him to jail. And this was reported to Inspector Ranjit Lathi and the prosecutor Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh so all these people took a team of police to the forests of Pandra and surrounded the whole forest and then went out into the forest to search for outsiders. And the serpent continued to work with great precision and peace to find the manor.
After searching all over the forest for 3 days, no trace of the outsider was found. It seemed that even if the outsiders had escaped from here, Inspector Ranjit Lathi and Fojdar Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh did not want to give up so they also had to find the outsiders. Did not stop and continued to search but these snakes were clever and their expatriate team was smart so they already knew that 3 members of their team have been caught and the police can come here anytime so they also change their location every 5 days. Inspector Ranjit Lathi and the team of prosecutor Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh had a hard time finding them as the police could not catch them and it was raining heavily due to the monsoon season.
But they continued to search for the outsider without giving up and one day they found the right place for the outsider so they quietly surrounded the outsider so that the outsider would not know and left no space for the outsider to escape so Inspector Ranjit Lathi and Fojdar Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh also started working very cleverly this time and Inspector Ranjit Lathi challenged Sapo Jagir that I am giving you 3 hours time. You come to us without any kind of cunning or cleverness and you yourself. Hand it over to us
On hearing this, Sapo Jagir and his companions were shocked and Sapo Jagir also spoke in front of him saying that you should kill us otherwise. Saying the same, Baharvatiya Sapo Jagir and his accomplices fired shots at Inspector Ranjit Lathi and Fojdar Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh's team. Inspector Ranjit Lathi and Fojdar Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh's team also shot at them. Goes and now he is alone even though he is raining bullets on Inspector Ranjit Lathi and prosecutor Mansingh and Inspector Kubersingh and one bullet hits him in the leg and one bullet in his hand and he gets injured even though there is no escape or escape. The remedy does not remain.
In the end, a policeman shot him in the head and a bullet in his stomach and he died after being beaten with sticks. In front of him, even in the part of the police, both Inspector Ranjit Lathi and the accused Mansingh were shot and killed. At the same time, the outlaws, known as the dreaded outlaws, whose name was feared in all the villages, meet the death of Sapo Jagir and his team, and Inspector Ranjit Lathi, known as a very honest and adventurous person, and the criminal Mansingh also die in this incident.

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