

Life long thinking 🤔🤔
Life is like a beautiful drawing,no matter what we draw in it, but what matters most is what kinds of intentions we had behind the drawing, what kinds of color we put in it. But life is not a joke,we need to think carefully before doing something. Because one wrong decision is enough for making our life worse .😔

But it doesn't means that we have to make the best decision in every way.
Sometimes wrong decisions can also leads the way of a better ending. Sometimes it's also teaches us some important lessions of our life. So that we can be a qualified person.🥺

Sometimes making something different or doing something new doesn't means that we are destroying it but it means we are creating something.we are developing ourselves. So making something or doing something new isn't meant to be bad. But it is a way for us to opening a new world for us.

Sometimes people have so much stress that they don't even know what to do and what not. Besides it's become worst when it comes to family or our personal or professional matters. That time we need some one to rally on. Only a true friend can help a person at that moment. Money isn't everything. What matters most is how much You're concerned about your friend at that moment. A friend can make a person stronger than a hill or weaker than a stick.
Friends is a blessing for one and curse for another.🙃 One can have a good or a bad friends. What a person need to do is to identify a true friend with a pure heart and soul. Life is hard also beautiful. One person need a true friend to hold his or her hand at the most beautiful moment and the most sad moment.
In my view,A beautiful day is that when a true friend or a person who is close to your heart stand by your side and enjoy the moment with you when he or she is with you. But you have to understand if he or she is pretending to be good or is it really happening? 🤔
Don't be nervous after reading my question. 💆❓ okay! Those are just my own opinion. 🙂
Because believe someone with this beautiful eyes is really hard for me. It's not that easy to believe someone with wholeheartedly. Also I am not saying that people should not believe each other. We should believe someone but at first we have to pay attention to his or her usual behavior or character. We have to judge him or her correctly. Humans are mortal . And they makes mistake. But they have to learn their lessons from their mistakes.
Remember that Mistake should be forgiven but : DELINQUENCY should be
given punishment.🧑‍🔬
Guys some people thinks that sleeping 🥱 is not a work.🙄😒. Do you agree with this statement? I don't agree. Because I think sleeping is the most important work that we have to do everyday. If a person doesn't sleep soundly he or she can't even walk properly. They will fell asleep on the working time. And that will effect their work or even make them sick 😷🤢. So what do you think 💬🤔 after those conversations? Sleeping 😴 is important for both our physical and mental health. Am I right?......

As we know that people are free to expressing their thought . So people are free to comment on someone or something. Right? But it doesn't means that people can misuses their rights and make wrong comments on someone or something. Because it could have a great effect on someone. It's not good to trouble someone else for your own opinion. We should understand what place and where to say something about and also we should know this what kinds of words we should say or not in front of someone.
Right?........ Don't be mad ?💢 if you think that i said that i shouldn't be... okay.

What is life? What the propose of life? why do we have to live? sometimes those kinds of questions we think out of frustration give us some time to think about our life. We think this type of questions because whether we are upset with something or we are happy about something. Let's talk about it. When taking about life some people always bring up the saddest moment of them . But life not only about sorrow things or thoughts. Life is something which we can enjoy, love, care and respect. We invent many new things about it eic. If we enjoy it, it will enjoy and love us too. So be happy with your own life. Life isn't meant to be waste.🥱😁😴😊.