

The Role Friends Can Play
The waitress' eyes grew wide at the crumpled paper the woman had handed with the money.

"Help," it read. When she looked up, the woman was gone. The waitress quickly called the police and explained the situation. As she waited for them to arrive, she kept her eyes peeled for the woman, hoping to be able to help in whatever way she could.

When the police arrived, they began searching for the woman. Sadly, they were unable to find her. The waitress was left with a sense of dread, wondering what might have happened to the woman and her mysterious note. She had a feeling the woman was in trouble and that the note was a plea for help. The waitress thought about the woman often, wishing she could have done something more to help her. She prayed that the woman was safe and hoped that someday they would meet again.

The waitress never heard from the woman again, but she continued to pray for her safety and peace. She never forgot the woman's story and hoped that one day they would meet again. She kept her faith alive, believing that they would reunite one day. She continued to hold on to the hope that one day, the woman would be safe and free from whatever danger she was in.

One day, unexpectedly, the woman showed up at the restaurant with a smile. She was finally safe and the two embraced in a warm hug. They both had tears of joy as they shared their stories with each other. It was a beautiful reunion that neither of them will ever forget. She explained that the danger she had been in was real, but with the help of her friends, she escaped. They both thanked their friends for the help and support they gave her.

The lesson was that no one should face difficult situations alone. They knew that if it weren't for their friends, she may not have been able to make it out alive. They both agreed that having a strong support system is essential, and they vowed to always be there for one another.
© Elphas Sipho Mdluli