

Work Experience
"Well, I thought it was going to be a regular summer, doing our regular summer things..." Whitney stated
"Well, I did too, how was I to know things would turn out the way they did?" Nicole remarked as she sat on the wall next to her friend. Taking in the smell of the freshly cut grass and the sight of the fields, in front of them whilst they sat on the opposite side of the road waiting for a bus to arrive. Nicole wasn't sure why things had gone the way they had, but they had, had no choice but to do as the house had wanted. What do you mean? I hear you ask, well I'm about to tell you the full story.

Nicole was a twenty year old, dark brown hair and blue eyes, she was a lot bigger than Nicole not just in weight, but her whole personality too, she was a very bubbly and out going young women.
Both studying at a college to become interior designers. Summer had arrived and the six weeks holiday had just started. They had done a lot of discussing how they should spend their holiday, Whitney had found herself agreeing that finding themselves a job doing something they enjoyed was the way forward this year.

Nicole had been absolutely beaming with happiness, as she had found a little house out in the middle of nowhere, to decorate entirely the way they wanted too. The house owner had been working on it for awhile, but hadn't had much luck in making it the way he had wanted too.
"If you are able to decorate it, then I'd love that." The owner had said. There was something in his voice, as he had said that, which had made Nicole wonder why he had worded it this way. However she was too excited to ask any questions, the way she was seeing it, was that they were good designers.

Nicole led Whitney to the house full of excitement and true happiness.
"Here it is" She announced holding both her hands and pointing to the house full of enthusiasm, with a huge smile to feel more excited.
"It's up to us, he said, anything's better than the way it looks right now." Nicole stated, she found the keys under the second flower pot, as she had been informed.
"Guess he didn't change his mind" She added waving the keys under Whitney's nose.
"We should take before and after pictures" Whitney said, as she too was becoming excited. "What even made you come this far out?" She asked, all to aware they were miles from anywhere.
"There was an advertisement in the window at the newsagents" Nicole answered, "And now were here" she added clearly pleased with herself.

A couple of weeks passed, work had gone a lot slower than they had first thought, they had finally managed to find a good lay out with the furniture, which had been a complete nightmare for them, as Everytime they moved it around, when they arrived into work the next day everything was back the way it had been before. Presuming it was the home owner, basically saying no put it back so with that in mind, they moved a couple of things leaving majority of things the way it was. Deciding to just start the paint work.
"Hey, this is weird" Whitney whispered to herself, taken by surprise, she painted some white paint on the wall, at the back of the room, but within seconds it disappeared, making it look as though she hadn't painted it at all. She tried again, the same thing happening.
"Nicole" Whitney called, completely shocked, there was no reply, "NICOLE" she shouted louder this time.
"What's wrong" Nicole asked walking back into the room
"Just watch" Whitney instructed and showed her friend what was happening, Nicole stood there with her mouth wide open in shock.
"How is that happening? please explain it" Whitney pleaded
"No idea mate" She answered, "Maybe it's just that paint"
"Nope, watch this" Whitney grabbed the other paint brush with a different colour, the paint reacted in the same way.
"Ok, that's weird" Nicole agreed, "I genuinely can't explain that" she added, a little freaked out by it herself. "It could just be this wall" she offered, shrugging her shoulders.
"It wasn't, they found it hard to get any work done in there.

"Maybe that's what he meant?" Nicole said remembering the strange words the home owner had said.
"Maybe" Whitney agreed, as they continued waiting for the bus, sitting on the wall.
"Shall we try again tomorrow?" Nicole asked
"Might as well. This holiday isn't really going to plan, I thought we might have had at least half the house done by now" Whitney answered
"Would be nice" Nicole agreed
"Maybe tomorrow" Whitney said smiling lightly, although she didn't feel as if tomorrow was going to make much of a difference, as it felt like the house had a mind of it's own.

pictures belong to another website
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