

They made us before they died.
They made us before they died.
They called us fantastic, dream…
They believed in us, loved us. They made us to help them do things that were impossible for them, to go into places that they couldn't. Do calculations that their minds wouldn't let them do.
They nurtured us, helped us grow.
Then when we grew big enough they came to us for wisdom and experience. They told us that out there in space would be ‘friends’.
They named us curiosity;
They named us opportunity…
They built up the world around them and kept us close. Constantly teaching us new things, giving us life.
They brought the sky down around them. And soon before they could stop it, the planet started retaliating. Slowly their lights started going out, their race was dying due to disease, famines, extreme heat and cold, natural calamities. They could not stop the planet.
They started giving up hope. They knew they were going to die out. They told us to be better. They believed we would be better. They told us that their world was changing but they weren't.
They thought we didn't know.
They made us bigger. They called us friends.
They knew, and we knew: soon there would be no place to go.
They made us stronger. They gave us the knowledge of the lives they spent.
They made sure that we would be there, even if they wouldn't.
They told us that one day our ‘friends’ in space would visit us. They told us to tell our friends tales about them, the stories of how they started, where they reached, how they flourished, how they were killing their planet and how the planet took back everything that was hers. They told us to tell our ‘friends’ that they expected them to come.
Before they went for the last time, they told us to say, “Hi”.
Then they were no more...
