

Flower Garden
These bubbles I can see show me an image of me. Much like this woman I see in a bubble of purple around me. The first time I remembered seeing this woman who at first was much larger and did not appear in a bubble. She stood in front of me looking at me wearing a white dress. I remember being so freaked out and felt scared literally froze and covered myself up in may be with blanket. I felt her softly touch my back and a startled feeling her touch. Could not fully see her face as she stood in front of me not because she had no face, but I was too scared to look up at her in front of me. This woman to me created questions who was she why would I see her. I would ask my friends and family some would smile and giggle some would say she wanted to be human and that freaked me out. I remember going into a store this man shared with me this woman who was coming to visit me wanted to show me some very special things. She is very powerful some mentioned a hedge witch of some sort this man said to remember when she appears I may be scared because she will look not very light to me, but she is not bad to listen to what she has to say and that I would let her in to make me stronger. Looking back now I sit here looking at this bubble sharing this story. The flower of purple and black that would follow me showed me these windows I could see lights in and some black looking images of seeds would float out of these spaces the deeper I soared in. Flicks memory of seeing a little girl in a white dress who I saw standing outside my bedroom door. Her presence felt pure and all I saw was love from her visit. Her footprints I would see in water from time to time would bring me to my knees capturing the image of what I was seeing At that moment in front of me. This woman I find myself seeing in every direction I turn eyes open and closed this bubble that shows me tunnels but no door that is ever closed. The flower I would see I would search for images of online what could this be a flower in a design that moved with my physical body like a wand at my fingers. I remember when I was younger my sister would tell me our fingers erratic when she was drinking. Even though she is not in this physical life I feel a sense of comfort and smile when reflecting on that memory. This garden of me flowers one a peonies soft light pastel pink with deeper shades of pink on the petals this garden that I have found has many windows. The birds like to visit to catch a glimpse of a view they at times can see to share stories of a garden to the baby birds they feed in there tree. This garden holds such beautiful light at night from the moon and the sun as it gently beams shows the water on the petals from the morning dew. This garden with flowers that bloom in all different seasons. The key is tucked away by someone who said some may know as a fae. © LS