

I do not believe in ghosts, but even if I did, I probably would not worry about it. I believe that ghosts are only a part of our messed up thoughts and imagination, which is true. Psychologists have developed the fact that when our minds are in a state of fear or anxiety, it creates certain images out of these and tend to create what we call 'ghosts'. And my view of paranormal occurrence is nothing but the mind playing with us when we are afraid and intermixing fantasy with reality.

Halloween was near, everyone in the classroom was buzzing about their ghost outfits. Carter said that he would make an outfit so scary that he will give us nightmares and it is all at his pleasure. I hardly believe that, besides what is there to be afraid of when ghosts do not exist. And afterall, Carter was the bully of the class. Yesterday, he locked up one of our classmates in the toilet, who claimed to have seen a ghost walking by. But I never took them seriously, so my mind was at peace and undaunted.

Carter used to scare all the girls from our class on every Halloween but I was the only one he could not scare. He and his bully friends tried a lot of methods to bring out my fear but I did not move an inch. Then he started calling me 'Silent cat'. 'Silent' because I usually do not talk and 'cat' because I creep them out when I do.

Halloween came and as promised, Carter scared everyone else but me. I could not understand what outfit he was wearing but I heard everyone saying it was like that of a real ghost. Their petty talks was going to make me slumber so I decided to take a walk in the hallways.

The hallway was Halloween-based decorated and the members of the Festival Committee had done an amazing job in putting up the programme. Everyone was having a great time and seemingly enjoying their outfits. The refreshments laid on the table attracted everyone, including me, I took one cupcake and left.

I went to the lab to finish my science project. It was supposed to be a group project but my partner has been absent for days, I barely think she would come to finish it with me. I seemed to have been lost in it as I was working when I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:00 pm and it was getting dark outside. Because of the light inside the room, I did not realize that. I know that students were not supposed to stay up late after school hours but it was Halloween so I guessed everyone left without checking for students who have not yet leave.

At first, I heard some whispering behind the door, I thought that maybe there are some students who remained at school and it felt good that I was not alone. The voice faded, but it somewhat changed into a much louder sound, and a few seconds later there was moaning behind the door, I was terrified. I went outside to see it what it was, I thought that it was Carter playing his dirty tricks again but I found that there was no one.

I decided to leave the project and go home. I went to the locker room to take my bag, but before that I went to my classroom to see if I could find anyone who is staying behind like me but one of the strangest things occurred. As I approached the door, I heard the classroom making noises like those times when the teacher is absent but when I opened it, there was no one. I was perplexed, it felt like the mind was somehow playing with me and I was also somewhat sleepy so these random happenings must be a result of that. I went to the locker room, this time I saw that all the lockers were opened, it was really strange and creepy. I grabbed my bag and quickly walked away. I could hear the noise of the lockers slammed themselves shut.

The lights flickered as if there was shortage of electricity. I went quickly to the exit and saw the security, he was reading a newspaper. I was relieved somehow as I approached him. The lights were still flickering, and I do not know whether it was an illusion or not but he was right there, yet when I walked closer to him, he disappeared.

The newspaper was still there, I picked it up and to my horror, saw myself in the obituary; it was written that I was found dead in school and it was tomorrow's paper, somewhat like a creepy piece of paper predicting something false. It was all fake yet fear was taking control of my mind, I panicked.

I tried to open the school exit but it was stuck. Now, it began to feel real, I could hear voices upstairs. The lights went out and then came back, still flickering. There above the staircase I saw a student. Her shirt was bloodstain and her wet hair covered up her face. The lights went out again and came back, she had disappeared.

Then all of a sudden, I heard her whispering 'Fear' behind me. I freaked out, the door finally opened and I got out. Horrified, I ran home as quickly as possible.

What one cannot see is what one finds hard to believe. I used to find it hard to believe ghosts exists since I have not seen one before in my life but now that I do, it is hard for me to believe that I am actually starting to believe in ghosts.

[Original short story based on my essay written as an assignment.]

© Filia💞