

High School Vandalizer
Okay, so maybe I'm crazy, but why would anyone vandalize a high school bathroom in the middle of the day, when they know there are cameras?

This is a true story! On Friday, September 10th, a student vandalized a high school bathroom, making away with:
• One soap dispenser
• One paper towel dispenser
•One toilet seat
•One porcelain sink bowel
The principal was furious and shut down all the bathrooms. Except for the cafeteria one, which was only open at lunch. The student in question was caught but no further info is know, other that the fact that they stole all these things from one girls bathroom and one boys bathroom across the hall from each other, within 90 minutes.

People do crazy things for social media, and the trends are weird. How far is to far? How much can you do without jumping into the deep end of trouble? Things tend to get a bit out of hand. But stealing from a bathroom? What kind of trend is that? Apparently, a popular enough on for a high schooler to do it!

This is just going off rumors, but I wonder if this is what went through their head? (I'm going to use male pronouns here to make it easier on myself, but keep on mind, I don't know the thief's gender):

He walks through the hallway shooting glances all around. If anyone asked, he has a pass he can show them, but if you get stopped, you get remembered and that wouldn't bode well for him once they find out what he's doing. No one can know. That defeats the purpose and with no purpose, no video. Followers. That's all that was on his mind, and he needed it to stay that way, it helped with his resolve. The bathroom wasn't far now. Just around the corner. This was it, he was so close, he could taste it. Actually, he could smell it, bathrooms are stinky, especially at a high school. Skidding in, he found only one person in his way. They finished up and rushed back to class. "Goodie goodie," he whispered, "always rushing back to the place of torture for kids." It was time to get to work. The camera was set up, a watch checked, a hoodie pulled down and over the head, casting a shadow on the face, and finally, a record button was hit. The show began, and so did he. Moving fast but quietly, he went to work. Then, halfway through, footsteps. This carefully planed out project couldn't go to waste. No stopping, only moving forward. So he kept going, only faster and a little less quiet. As he finished one thing, it was shoved into his bag and he moved on, faster than you might guess. Soon, the job was complete, and he headed to the next bathroom, walking slowly, but not suspiciously.

I still don't know how they got away with the stuff, and or where they put it. How do you steal a porcelain sink bowl in the first place? Anyway! Happy weekend!

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