

Actors and their Acts behind the proscenium.
Actors and their Acts behind the proscenium.
Where am I standing today? Wherever I take a gander all is horizon. The moment we see horizon, it seems ; earth is giving a bear hug to the endless sky. But later it is learnt to have known when apace a little that it was just an illusion. However, we admit and believe that something meets.
This is our rosy attitude to life what creates the way ahead. Like horse chases it (horizon). Actually, what [horse] is it chasing. Will it get it? It is ensuing for. Everyone of us know very well, never. Then, why? What is the pith to this all having no specific aim? Those who think that chasing for horizon is just mania for that horse, need to read between the lines. Tell me a simple fact about horse. It is known for what❓. Everyone of us answers will akin to each other’s. Speed, speed... . I think now all have got me well. What would I like to pin.
This is the endurance what a horse build up chasing the horizon. Actually its tick was not of chasing the horizon but it is to endure itself. There is palpable difference what we witness there on the proscenium or scenes behind the curtain. Admit what you are seeing running before, every time is far from what it is!
The same principle germane to our life. Everyone of us running with a desire for striving something better than today. None of us ever wants to drive the ruthless today into to glorious tomorrow. As change is the law of nature, and each one of us makes it a law of our life.
What is in a name? But, actually there is a lot which is in name. We not only name people or things but not miss in naming this law of transformation too. #success, this is very aesthetic name by which our journey of life is gauged. This never comes to us and we never stop. Whole life [we] keep on chasing the horizon without knowing its existence. Two things draw from here- either you are a horse while chasing enduring yourself or could be a one who is doing a wild goose chase. Different minds, different horizons with different pursuance. Some megalomaniac those who have bohemian face of society are the horse of my history since these people have believe in their own. Horses are those who create their path with the concrete of their perseverance and endurance not those who trail. Run after the horizon like a horse with some hid motives that are not visible. This journey is very arduous and good of strenuous task and pathways [which] give a show of wintry welcome. But walking some paces on this tread fruits you in facet of life.
The same is with us. We are ensuing for what ❓. Is that the horizon? Horse chasing for and nursing itself with required endurance or this all is just an exercise in floccinaucinihilipilification.
Lot to think, lot to say, and lit to do about this in particular. Keep on doing, keep on thinking. Glean some steam of endeavour and assay to copula the within and outside of your periscope.