

The Chaotic Tide
The intensity inside me has gotten unlocked in levels I can finally understand since leaving my hometown and the comfort of what I know. The unknown humbles me everyday while I actively practice my connection of gratitude to spirit for the protection that has been placed upon me. My consciousness now recognized as a gift in a world that is aching for healing. Each moment passing billions of tons of plastic and resource being used unmindfully. My mission to find the right words, the write message. To take us back to our roots of Earth friendly. Natural buildings, natural fiber clothes, organic, compost, and compost toilets for fertilizer. Organic is not a privilege, it is our human right. Our biology, our genetics, our species depends on it. Our Earth depends on us. What are we creating? We creation itself, always creating. Choice has arisen and it is to either create or destroy. To live in heaven or hell. This is a choice of life. The pineal gland has been infected with pollutents, but is such a strong force, through intention, will and shall be healed. It is through the pineal, we find connection again. The knowing and intuition of what to do. We will always live in between the world's of knowing and not knowing as a human being. We must be more intentional with what we choose to fill in our knowing with. If we fill our knowing with perceptions and beliefs, we reject open mindness in not knowing. Duality is only safe when we are conscious it is happening. Otherwise a human can be tricked into one side which will not be truth. Life is a rollarcoaster, a changing tide, a swinging pendulum. The chaos is only worth it when we realize life's true meaning, LOVE.
© joelletabacsko