

Keep trying in life and move ahead.
Ever wondered what is in store for us, or we have just left everything on destiny, is a question that pops up quite often in my mind.

When I look back, I realise that I got everything on what I have worked for, be it completion of higher studies even with a job in hand, changing jobs for my own betterment, working on my fitness level despite having some health issues.

This is exactly how life tests us and throws us with problems time and again and also hints us with solutions. How we look at it is important to work upon and move ahead.

The beauty lies in from which angle are we actually looking at our problems in life . Some people look at it positively and accept life’s challenges and there are many who just give it a try or may be not at all, all this defines our own journey in our life and how we are shaping it consciously or unconsciously.

You see, life actually is a beautiful journey if taken in the right perspective and accepting the path on which we travel, at the same time ready to create a path if we are not able to move forward the way we want . When as a child we are growing into an adult, this journey is also nice as we start accepting and facing the problem life throws at us and we move forward. Similarly when we are adults and face the challenge of landing up in a job and then doing our best to grow in that ecosystem is again a challenging task. The moment we give up or just get into a stage of stagnation, is the time when we lose interest in our own self, and eventually lose on everything we have. To keep up in life, it is thus important to explore new avenues in whatever you are fond of rather than just doing something for the sake of it.

It’s never too late to start something in life, what you like, rather than become a mere spectator. Do everything possible to keep moving ahead in life, and that’s the crux of the entire story, and “Yes”, life is beautiful.

© सुneel