

The girl took me to a small house and asked me who I was and what I was doing here. Knowing that she couldn't be trusted I lied and said I came here to buy somethings but I forgot my translator back at home. The girl smiled and knocked me out.
I woke up in a strange place,tired and weak. I saw the same alien girl she said that she was from a planet called caroa.
On a faithful day my brother and I were having fun playing outside, I was six back then. I saw a very huge ship coming down from the sky and killing innocent people. My mother hid me in a space pid and launched me to safety.
So, I'll only ask you once, where are you from said the alien girl. Of course, I told her where I came from and why I was here. She laughed and told me her name saying I am venican.
She took me the bar and together we spied on Rhodan. It seemed like he was making a deal to invade planet Earth. Knowing this she agreed to help me. So we went to her ship and took of.
When we were on her ship I asked her what was her aim, she said that Rhodan killed her planet, now it's personal.
She flew the ship to another planet where she took weapons and soldiers. while we were flying Rhodan goons we after us so I had to take care of them.
I led them into an astroid field and kicked their ugly alien ass good bye as I blew them to the death but my ship was hit so I jumped to venican's ship and she said nice one but don't destroy my ship ever again.
© jenyo Jason Ezekiel