

Crony Dammed Souls

Childhood friends
Played, laughed and so full of courage
Younger minds with stupid knowledge
Got in between the silly things
As the age got them feelings
Thought was on an on going rumor
Which they didn't knew that age had humor
Teenage hues with blossoming clues
Misunderstanding and they were due
No more play, talks or smiles
Five years later, and they both grew fine
As a fling, just for something new
They were together exploring the long lost flu
Knew it was just a flirt and will end soon

The closer they got, more they knew
That this was just so right to do
Accepted each other as they were
Still felt there was no future
For they knew had to choose someone other than each other
For time being they wanted to be together
Time flew, they grew closer like they were not two
Stronger was the bond as they outgrew the flaw
One by one winning all the odds
Made it till the half decade pass

Stronger, bolder and Wilder felt they both
Year by year through past all the loopholes
To people their eyes speaked all
Inseparable and so deep in love
A year past by, and something blew
She won't live as she wanted to
Her heart had void
Won't be normal and that wasn't a choice
He was strong, swears to be there always
Coz his love was a shockwave

Day by day she grew insane
Hard to handle her feelings that came
Wanted to make him leave for his sane
Though he kept on with her madding craze
As he knew she was in damm bad pain
He had control but she lost herself and everything that was her own
Made him see her as a pitiful lost soul
Love was there but the fate hadn't care
As they were soulmates who played a dare



#RealLove #RealStory #childhood #love
#soullove #soulmate #truelifestories

© nehamm10