

Tick Tock -Face the day with open ❤️
We cannot escape the daily mundane ...The similar chores...The familiar faces and feelings ...The continuous ticking of the clock...The life repeats itself every day ...We hold on to the time ...Few hits and misses ...Few lost with the time...Many found with time ...
I feel answerable to each and every passing moment, I may hold near ...I feel a sense of gratitude towards the ticking of the clock...As though it awaits our action, our reaction, our emotions, our faith ...It is giving hope with everyday life experiences...Are we listening?It is just like those heartbeats ...Tick Tock...We have to listen carefully to the passing time to understand our own heartbeats...The daily mundane creates many moments...As it carries forward the day...As it passes by...I carefully listen to the time and the similar chores & my heartbeat...I live, am alive, what else could be more beautiful with the time...That we survive the daily mundane & are answerable to all we come across... Our role is to be true to the world ...we may call fake or an illusion...Look at the passing time...And ask your being...what is best that we did and the worst we still carry on.....We cannot escape the daily mundane.

© Shiny