

Will We Survive??!! ( Part 2 )
Nurse: You are vomiting blood. Has anything like this happened before?
Pallava: No, never before.
Nurse: I don't have that injection. It's better to take you to the hospital. Lay down on the bed, you'll feel better.
Then she called the ambulance.

Pallava: I'm thirsty! I am thirsty!

Pallava kept repeating this for a long time and lay down on the bed.

Nurse: I have a medicine that will help you. Take these pills.

After saying that, the nurse is about to give Pallava the medicine when she notices that Pallava's eyes are completely red. The nurse cannot understand what happened.

Pallava: I'm thirsty! I am thirsty!
Nurse: Wait, I gave you water.

Suddenly, Pallava's hands and feet went numb. When the nurse gave him a glass of water, he said, "I want to drink blood. Where is blood? Nurse, I feel like you have very pure blood. I want to drink it!" The nurse became shocked.
Nurse: What are you saying? Do you want to drink blood...!?
Within a second, he jumped and bit the nurse's hand. The nurse started screaming.

After an hour, the ambulance arrived. The nurse informed them that he was bitten by a racoon and described the strange things Pallava had done. They took note of everything.

Then she went to her room with Dev, and similarly, the nurse's nose started bleeding. She also started vomiting blood, and her hands and feet were bruised. The nurse started chasing after Dev, but Dev began running.

Then the nurse bit everyone around her.

Dev somehow escaped and entered his classroom.

Preeti: Why are you yawning like this? What happened?
Dev: Mam... Zombie... Mam!
Preeti: Zombie? Tell me what happened. Sit here and explain everything.
Dev started telling them about the incident.

Urshita: What rubbish! I saw zombies in movies. How can zombies be here?
Dev: Believe me, I'm telling the truth! I think it all happened because of that deer. It started happening after the raccoon bit Pallava.
Tanisha: Zombie... We must escape now! If they bite us, we will become zombies. Hurry, Mam, hurry. We have to escape from here!
Preeti: Don't be in such a hurry. Keep calm. Dev, You might be mistaken somewhere. Zombies are not here...

Right away, Preeti goes to the door and sees many zombies trying to enter the room.

To Be Continued......
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