

knight cat-chapter 2
After the fight with black woodpecker aI new I had to upgrade my game I told mom I Was working on a project, but really I was going to my secret HQ/ basement renovated so I was designing a energy source for my katanas so nock out the back
woodpecker before he came back' meow lets design ' i said meow is my computer personally designed my me to assist me meow is my first program he controls the whole cat cave, suit and x some x need a break so I let meow take over x is my first program I imported in a robot car most of the time I am in my room ,HQ or with my Big sis Hediah she is 2 years older than me we get along most of the time sorda it's complicated only siblings will understand.
But this time I wasn't distracted I was focused on my fight with black woodpecker he needed to be stoped I saw x updating strange I didn't update x?'upgrade complete ' x who updated you? I don't remember updating you? ' meow recently installed a self update and upgrade system' ok I said slowly well I better test my new energy source it was a blue crystal I found secretly wile hiking I found out later it gave off an special energy in katana it fired a blue energy like a slash so to the testing ground.
blue energy slash! my katanas slashed this is powerful x said x katanas arise shhhhing as his Giant katana came x blue energy shield it was so fun training I building a jet booster with retractable wings I'm soon going to finish it probably by chapter 3 of my adventure log I know I will take down the black woodpecker before he strikes back.
back at HQ meow was building a second robot y is going to be the fast I did not know until meow gave an update saying come to HQ now like any spy who left there computer program that has control of everything in there HQ alone with technology that is very delicate I didn't even have that I got over there like a bunch of dogs chasing a cat in a main alley x car mode now full speed engage hyperboost 'yes sir ' vrrrr ch chhhh as x transformed we got there and left them 60 minutes since the training field wasn't very far.
what's wrong now Meow! I said with exasperation 'I was just showing you my latest invention in the giant 3d printer that you used to create x' go on I said suspiciously phhhhhhhhh as the printer smoke Bush to by a dark blue and light blue robot came out it looks Ariel design like it could move at less than 80 miles per hour that is the approximate speed I would say for a cheetah but we're not talking about cheetahs are we 'y activation' Meow said. this is what you wanted to show me whats it do.
I said 'it's the second version of x this is designed to be Ariel dynamic this robot is supposed to be the fastest invention or piece of technology built by an AI computer program this robot is specialized in speed just wait to see what this baby can do, alert! alert! black woodpecker is in City center I suggest you try out y.