

This question above is a very tricky one, you should constantly remind yourself of who you want to ultimately become, because you're still a work in progress, this mindset is what all man should have in common,l.most people both young and old sadly want to be like others whom they believe are better than they are but this question"Who am I?"prompt awareness, curiosity, compassion for others, resilience and the zest to be more than just a copy, though you can look up to great people for inspiration from them but remain your unique self.
A great philosopher called Aristotle said knowing yourself is the true beginning of wisdom, I advice you from today onwards embrace who you are, take a very bold decision and say "I may not feel perfect enough but I will work hard to bring out the better version of me" then set on a journey of self discovery and self awareness, you can take a quiet time,you yourself and nobody do a thorough soul searching on your inner self,you should be able to know your strength, weakness, temperament and others so you can keep improving to a better version of you.
But the choice is yours, knowing yourself is the essence of life, embrace it or leave it because life is not a storybook but it unfolds like chapters.Turn your page and start making amends, there's a prewritten guarantee of successful everafter so step into your greatness before your story ends because where treasure is your heart will also be therefore,embrace who you're and celebrate each step through your discovery.

© Rukie vert