

Distressed Class
Suresh, a migrant labour came from Bihar to Delhi in 2016.Everything was going fine.He was able to earn some wage and improve his standard of living. He never knew that pandemic could sever his future hopes.Without wage his situation was pathetic. He looked at the sky praying to God to get him out of the miserable condition.Peterberger says "facts never fall from sky", similarly helping hands never come out of sky or earth.It is the institutions or organisations that has the capability to bring change.

"Is it a new hurdle?"....

Labour class has lost their livelihood long ago. The capitalists had pulped their struggle and attained higher profits. Time has changed but their condition has remained same-meager wages, unhygienic conditions,lack of health insurance,lack of quality education to their children.scholars like karlmarx have opined the samething in communist manifesto.sensitization or empathy in capitalist class can improve the quality of labour lives.

"Indian labour class is struggling"......

The report by "centre for monitoring Indian economy (CMIE)" has stated that loss of employment in urban areas are on rise when compared to rural areas.The migrant labour has a higher share in that loss. Construction activities have been stalled - Their lives also became stagnant. Interesting thing that leads to criticism is the union budget 2021-22 has allocated 73,000 crores which is less when compared to 2020-21(1 lakh crores).It is very important to provide food when you are in dire hunger rather than forcing you to eat when your stomach is filled.

"labour laws!!!"
Hardly 10% of the labour know well about these laws. As labour is a concurrent subject each state has different provisions. It has led to exhaustive number of laws(we have 144 labour laws totally). Centre has come up with four codes(code on wages,social security,industrial relations,occupational safety and healthy working conditions) to reduce the ambiguity.
It is very necessary to create awareness among working class about these laws.

"does increasing the wages alone solve the problem?".......

It would be a temporary solution.India has a bad tendency to react to the problems after getting hurt. Strengthening of infrastructure, capacity building of labour, implementing evolving technologies,enactments and implementation of legislations, frequent auditing to maintain transparency. This maynot be the ultimate panacea but could reduce the intensity of burden.

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