

Quarantine Diaries*

*Day 1*

Wife: Tilly come take ur breakfast it's getting cold.

Tilly: I wanna take it with dad together on the dinning table.

Dad: Tilly baby, I'll soon join u dear, go start it.

Tilly: okay daddy.

Dad joins Tilly no sooner after she got to the table.

Tilly: Dad, my tea is too hot.

Dad: Sorry dear, let me cool it down a little for u.

Wife joins from the kitchen.

Tilly: Mum are we going to school tomorrow?

Wife: No baby, u will go to school soon but not now OK.

Tilly: Okay mum.

Wife goes to the kitchen to pick something.

Tilly: I love u dad, u are not like the uncle who comes here when u go to work. He does not eat on the dinning table, he eats with mum in your room.

Dad in shock, stops taking the breakfast and sighs.

Wife: Honey u ain't eating your food, are u OK?
Why the sudden mood swing?

Dad: I'm good dear I just lost myy appetite.

Wife: should I make something else for u?

Dad: not really babe, I think I'll eat later. (He leaves the table)

Tilly: Mum, why did daddy stop eating? Is he sick?

Wife: Daddy is fine, he needs to do something inside.

Later that evening, Dad was watching TV in the hall.
Tilly runs to him.

Dad: Tilly baby, have u taken your bath already.

Tilly : Yes daddy.

Dad: good girl. So tell me, do u know the uncle who comes where any time I go to work?

Tilly: Yes daddy, one day he left something on the table so I took it and use it to play, it's in my school bag.

Dad: Go and bring it.
( Tilly brings a voters that fell from the said Uncle's wallet)

Tilly: This is it dad.

Dad: Good girl, is that the only thing he left here?

Tilly: yes dad

Mum walks in from the bedroom.

Mum: Daddy and daughter, what are u guys discussing.

Dad: Quickly he replied, we are watching movie and discussing it.

Mum: Smiles and asked Tilly to come for her medicine.
*Quarantine Diaries*

*Day 2*

Dad woke up from bed but didn't give wife the usual good morning peck on her forehead.

Wife: honey, my good morning kiss

Dad: stares at her for a while and walks away in silence.

Wife : Honey are u okay?

Dad: I'm fine!

Wife prepares breakfast but Dad refused to eat.

Tilly: Mum it's like daddy is sick, call the Doctor.

Mum: Smiles, Dad is fine my dear don't worry.

Dad: Tilly baby! Tilly baby!! he called out.

Tilly: Yes daddy.

Dad: how are u

Tilly: I'm fine daddy but I know u are sick. U are not happy, I told mum to call the doctor for u ok

Dad: smiles, picks up Tilly and taps her at the back, saying I'm fine my dear. I don't need a doctor OK.

Tilly : OK daddy then smile for me

Dad: .

Wife gets closer and joins the conversation.

Wife: Tilly, how come u and dad are both smiling , what are u talking about.

Dad: We are talking about my health.

Wife: that reminds me, honey we need to talk.

Dad: About what?

Wife: I think we should go inside.

Dad: Alright then. (Tilly, go watch TV in the hall I'll be with u soon OK.)

Tilly: OK daddy

Wife and Dad begins conversation.

Wife: Honey, I've realised u have Been behaving weird since yesterday after u abandoned my food on the dining table.
What's the problem?
Have I done anything wrong.

Dad: Hmmmm, I'm sorry dear. It's just about the lockdown and how I've been idle doing nothing. It's getting me boring.

Wife : Is that enough reason to abandon my food? Honey the lock down is affecting us all but u shouldn't make me feel I caused it by abandoning my food and acting weird towards me.
U refused me of the usual good morning peck on bed this morning, what about that?

Dad: I'm sorry love. It won't happen again.

Wife: Honey, This is the time u got to spend with your family, I've always been all alone with Tilly whenever u leave this house for work.
I've missed u and this is the time I have u, old make this moment lovely for me.

Dad: I understand babe, sorry for my actions .

Wife's phone rings.

Wife picks.
Wife: can I call u back pls?
On phone : I miss u dear pls do call me when u are done with whatever you doing kk.

Wife: OK bye.

Dad: who was that?

Wife: Colleague from work.

Dad : Alright. So as I was saying, I'm sorry for everything OK.

Wife : OK dear. U still owe me that peck

Dad: smiles and pecks her on the forehead as he whisper I love u to his wife.

Later that day, mum was in the kitchen, her phone was charging in the hall, then a text came in.

It reads *" hello baby, I know he was around that's why u couldn't speak to me, I'm sure he has always been around u that's why we can't talk, but I still think about u all night. Our last meeting was a blast. How I wish this pandemic is over so u can ride on me again like a polo horse. Take care baby, and don't let him enjoy it all alone it's mine too bye'*

Dad: takes a shot of it with phone and sits to watch TV.

Tilly goes to the kitchen.

Wife: where is dad

Tilly: He is watching TV in the hall.

Wife; go and bring my phone dear it's in the hall.

Tilly brought the phone and mum saw the text.

After meals.

Dad: Honey, have I done anything wrong that u didn't tell me?

Wife: No honey.

Dad: Are u sure? I wanna apologize if I have.

Wife: Come on honey, u have done nothing against me, what I wasn't happy about, we resolved that in the morning. I'm cool now.

Dad: Okay babe. But don't forget I love u.

Wife: I love u too.

Moments later dad went out to have some fresh air outside.

Wife makes call with the number that texted her in the noon. Tilly hears part of it and goes out to ask the meaning of statement from dad.

Tilly: Dad, what is the meaning of banging, and I lost my period?

Dad: Shocked, where did u hear those words?

Tilly: Mum was telling someone on her phone so I want to know the meaning.

Dad: They mean nothing my dear, they are words u will understand when u grow okay??

Tilly: Okay daddy.
*Quarantine Diaries*

*Day 3*

Dad calls a friend at work and tells him about what is going on, in his house, making the lockdown a hell for him.

Later in the day

Dad: Babe, about Tilly, I'll be going to get some foodstuffs for the remaining days of our stay at home so I'll take her along to the mall kk.

Wife: okay babe, u should be cautious about the security personnel.

Dad: Okay baby.

At the mall Tilly saw a young boy of her age and they run to each other.

Dad: Tilly! Don't touch him!

Tilly: I know him dad.

Dad: where do u know him from, your class mate?

Tilly: No dad, he has been coming with the uncle to the house sometimes when u go to work so we have been playing together.

Dad: Hello madam, is that ur son?

Woman: Yes pls, how come ur daughter knows him??

Dad: I think u should ask your son.

Woman: Mike, where do u know the girl.

Mike: Dad said I shouldn't say it.

Woman: Dad said u shouldn't say what? Tell me dear I'll buy you ice cream and anything you want at the mall today.

Dad: Yes, I'll buy you a nice parcel if u tell mum what dad said you shouldn't say OK. ( Dad orders a container of ice cream for the kids)

Woman: Now tell me Mike, what did dad say you shouldn't say.

Mike: Mum, promise me u won't tell daddy about it.

Woman: I promise u dear. Dad will never hear this.

Mike: When dad told me, we should go to the mall, we went to Tilly's house to visit her mother before we came home.

Woman: Is that all?

Mike: And he said if I don't tell u he will always buy me chocolate when I am going to school. And he promised to buy me a bicycle. That's why he bought me the bicycle we brought the other day.

Woman: Do u know Tilly's mother's name?

Mike: No mum.

Woman : (Angrily asks) Mr. is that ur wife my son is talking about??!!

Dad: Hmmm, madam, calm down OK. We are not at a conducive place to have this conversation, if u don't mind let's exchange contacts and talk about this proper since we can't meet anywhere because of the lock down OK. Pls calm down. I understand how u feel, I'm going through the same thing.

Woman: This is why my husband has taken his attention off me all this while and he refused me having any kind of conversation with my own son. We had to leave the house without his notice while he was asleep to come to the mall.

Dad: don't worry let's exchange contacts and deal with this. I'm a more appropriate manner madam.
(Dad and Woman exchange contacts)
One more thing, promise me you won't ask your husband anything about it till we get to the bottom of it.

Woman: sighs.... U have my word. Anyway I don't know ur name ,sorry for my actions I was tempered, I'm Mina what about u. I'm Bill, says Dad.
*Quarantine Diaries*

*Episode 4*

Dad calls Mina.

Dad: Hi Mina it's Bill, hope u are good?

Mina: I'm fine, and you?

Dad: I'm doing well. Sorry for what happened yesterday anyway. Hope u didn't show any sign of suspicion, when u got home?

Mina: I gave u my words. I didn't. But he was mad at me for taking the boy out without his notice. But I apologized and cautioned the boy not to tell him about what happened. From now I'm gonna keep an eye on his movements.

Dad: Alright. I have your husband's Voter's card with me. How can u trick him to look for it?

Mina: Really? What's the name on it?

Dad: Louis Adepa. Is that his name?

Mina: Of course!!

Wife walks in as Dad makes the call.

Wife : Honey, can we have a word?

Dad: Pls let me finish this call.

Wife: Alright.

Mina: That's my rival I guess. Hmmm.

Dad: Well, she was the one. So as I was saying, what can u do to make your husband look for his card?

Mina: I really don't know but I'll be glad if u can send me your wife's picture on whatsapp. I wanna see if I know the face.

Dad: Well, I'll do so. I'll get back to u shortly OK. Bye.

Dad calls wife.

Wife: Who was on the phone?

Dad: A friend I met on my way to the mall.

Wife: A friend, So u ignored me because u were speaking to a friend? When did u start this honey.

Dad: I'm sorry dear, I didn't know, u needed me so urgent. I'm here for u. Let's talk.

Wife: OK, I'm cool. I wanna visit my mum and dad in the village and educate them a little on the pandemic and as well give them some foodstuffs. I think I'll get some farm produce from my dad's garden in other for us to preserve as well.

Dad: That's not a bad idea. When do u intend going?

Wife: My junior brother said the soldier will bring me a permit to show to the security personnel on my way, so if he brings it today I'll leave the day after tomorrow.

Dad: Well, u can go if he brings it. Are u going with Tilly?

Wife: Of course granny misses her.

Dad: For that I won't allow. I think u should go and come since u will return the following day. Just prepare something and keep in the fridge for us, we will stay behind so u can go. Just tell ur mum I didn't allow her to come with u because of the pandemic.

Wife: OK, if u say so.

Dad goes through his phone and sends a pic of his wife to Mina.

Mina: Thanks Bill. I don't think I've met this face before.

Dad: OK.

Mina: Anyway my husband told me yesterday that he will be visiting his parents. He said his dad needs him urgently and he wants to take the boy along. But I refused. He hasn't said anything about that yet. But he said he will leave tomorrow.

Dad: Really, how is he gonna drive through town?

Mina: Well, he said he has sorted that already.

Dad: Wow. My wife equally said same story but she said she will leave a day after tomorrow.

Mina: For real, where does the parents reside?

Dad: Prampram.

Mina: Huh, my husband's parents are in New Ningo, not far from Prampram.

Dad: Really?

Mina: Yes.

Dad : Well I have plan.

Mina: Tell me!

Dad: U give me ur husband's car registration number, I have a police friend I'd employ to track him for me. Which guest house do u think is conducive that he may book?

Mina: GT 501-17 A. He drives a charcoal black ford escape. He only has one guest house he goes to, it's called Micah's Villa at the outskirts of New Ningo on the Prampram road.

Dad : OK. I'll give u updates just in case, OK. let's chat another time. I still have ur word. Don't show signs of anything kk.

Mina: Kk Bill. Thanks.

To be continued!
*Quarantine Dairies*
*Day 5*

Dad called his school son back at senior high. he is now a police officer in Prampram he gave him information about Louis and how to track him in Prampram.

Later that evening.

Wife: honey, I've prepared jollof rice and banku with palmnut soup(Nigeria food) for u and Tilly
Hope u like it?

Dad: Nods in agreement.

Wife: well, so I'll be leaving early tomorrow, my junior brother brought me the permit so he advised I leave early.

Dad: OK dear. Hope u have got ur stuffs ready?

Wife: Yes honey. But I'm gonna miss home. U and Tilly...

Dad: we gonna miss u too, just come as u promised so we won't miss u more OK.

Wife: Kk dear, I will.

Dad: That reminds me. It's a new month and per ur calendar you should be menstruating by now or experiencing signs of it, but you didn't add pad to the list we sent to the mall.

Wife: Come on babe, u are so caring but sorry I didn't tell u, my menstrual cycle changed last month so I'm expecting this one a week from now.

Dad: Is that so? Well I was just thinking aloud.

Wife: I know dear. I love u honey.

Dad: Love u too.

Wife kisses husband and leaves.

Dad on whatsapp with Mina.

Dad: Hello Mina, sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with stuffs in my mail.

Mina: Don't worry, I was really busy during the day too. Anyways, Louis left around 11am this morning, he left Mike behind.

Dad : OK, I've worked on how he will be tracked so keep calm OK.

Mina: Hmmm, seriously Bill I'm running out of patience. I can't watch my husband cheating me right in my face while I sit and watch. I'm seriously loosing it.

Dad: Take it Easy Mina, we need enough evidence to track them down, we can't do anything now since we both have little information about their relationship. So keep calm OK.

Mina: Alright, if u say so.

Dad: Yes, let's keep our fingers crossed OK.

Mina : OK, I've heard u.

Dad: Take care OK. Let's chat another time I've got stuffs to do bye.
*Quarantine Diaries*
*Day 6*


Characters break down
Dad - Bill
Wife - Bella
Louis - Mina's husband
Mina - Louis's wife
Mike - Louis and Mina's son
Tilly - Bill and Bella's daughter.
Police - Bill's school son.

Early morning

Bill on phone

Bill: do u have any information for me?

Police: Yh, the car came to pass by the barrier but he picked a friend who works in one Micah's Villa off Prampram road. That was in the evening yesterday but I couldn't call u because I went on an operation.

Bill: Good, can u trust ur friend? Can he give u information about his movement in the hotel.

Police: sure, he normally assist me with volatile investigations.

Bill: Good, let me know if he books the place and watch out for my wife and tell me when she will get to ur barrier and her whereabouts in the town as well.

Police: Well, u know I can't arrest your wife, so I'll let a friend do that then I'll make a friend do that and interrogate her. I'll give u the feedback.

Bill: Good.

Bella: Honey, I'm set to go. Please take care of yourself and Tilly for me kk. I love u babe.

Bill: Love u more babe, drive safely. Give me a call in case of anything OK.

Bella: Okay dear. Bella drives off.

*Later in the day*

Bill on phone

Police: She came to pass, she said she was going to her parents in town.

Bill: OK, give your friend information about my wife's car and describe her to ur friend. Let him inform you if she comes there ok.

Police : OK.

Later that evening Bill had a call from Mina.

Mina: Bill, u won't believe what I found in my husband's wardrobe.

Bill: what did u find?

Mina: I found a visa for a holiday trip booked in my husband's name with ur with wife.

Bill: Really?

Mina: Yes of course. They were supposed to be in South Africa by now for a holiday trip but for the lockdown.

Bill: Send me a pic of it kk. Just call down, everything will be fine.
I remember she told me her sister in South Africa asked her to come over for a visit, I didn't know that was the plan.

Mina: Bill, how can ur wife be this wicked. How can she destroy my home to that extent, what have I done wrong?

Bill: U can't conclude like that Mina, just calm down OK.

Mina: sighs and gasps. So till when cos I'm really loosing it Bill.

Bill: very soon we will finish this OK, don't interrupt it OK. Just put the file back there and pretend u never saw it kk.

Mina: Okay, later then.

Bill receives a text from Police. And it reads..
'' *Bro, the man has told my friend to reserve a room for him at the top floor*'

Bill replies : seen, just update me when he gets there and who visits him.

Police : okay bro. Are u suspecting your wife or something?

Bill: Just help me get the information, but it should be between u and I pls.

Police: sure.

Louis went to his hotel room and calls Bella over.
Police gave info about Bella and Louis at the hotel with pics of the their cars sent to Bill.

Bill called Bella that night through out and her lines were off. Mina did same and Louis's lines were off too.

Mina was worried so she sent a text to her husband and it reads.

*I don't know why your lines are off, but I just hope u are fine. Nevertheless, you are acting strange.

Bill called a friend to get him permit from his wife, a health worker so he can drive through town. Which he got.
*Quarantine Diaries*

*Day 7*

Bill drove off in the morning from home with his daughter to Prampram and visited Bella's parents. He asked Mina to go and wait for him at the Hotel reception.
Bella wasn't with her parents, so he called Bella in front of her parents and she said she was home with her mum and they are even cooking in the kitchen so she will call him back. Her mum and dad heard her clear.

Bill quickly drive off to the hotel and met Mina.
Louis's car and Mina's car were both parked at one place.

Bill and Mina waited at the reception. Louis and Bella descend the stairs cases with kisses and soft touches.
To their amazement, Mina and Bill were staring at them right at the spot.

Mina collapsed at the spot and was driven to the hospital where she regained consciousness.

Bella was so comfortable as tho nothing happened while's Louis was shivering.

Both families got back home to solve the issue.