


As soon as I kncoked on Shantels door, there was this nice smell comming from the door way.
She must be cooking I thought to myself.

"Hey come in" Shantel said while walking straight back to her living room.

I really don't understand her sometimes. It's like she dont want me here or something.

What's up with you? I said after her to the living room

"Yeah am alright just decided to stay indoors". She said looking unbothered while sitting down

"So you ain't gonna offer me a drink or water?". I asked surprisingly.

"Come on Mike, are we seriously gonna do this?".
"This is your house". "Grab what you can get". Shantel said with a cheeky Smile while scrolling through her phone.

"I hear you Madam". I went to the kitchen to grab some fruit punch.

"It smells nice in here". "Whats cooking?".
I asked heading back to the living room.

"Just making some lasgner". Shantel said still looking at her phone.

The vibes I been getting from Shantel is really rude and I don't know why she is behaving like that.
I honestly just want to grab the phone and throw it outside. I thought while giving her a mean look.

:Can you put that phone down?". "We need to talk". I said bluntly.

"Sorry I have got some important messages that I need to check". Shantel started scrolling some more.

"What important messages?". "From your husband?". I added

Shantel laughed while still looking at the phone, "What husband?".

"Where is the engagement ring I been seeing on your finger?". I fired back

Shantel immediately looked at me with a surprised face.

Damn, I thought to myself. Thats probably the most fastest look she ever done in her entire life I must say.

Shantel remained quiet while looking back at her phone.

Where isit? I repeated

That wasn't an engagement ring actually". She replied uninterestedly

Now I dont believe what she is saying but I will give her the benefit of doubt.

"If you say so". I replied

"Let me go and check on the food", She got up and headed to the kitchen

As soon as I started to look around for the remote, I saw a ring on the table.

I took the ring to look at it. That was the same exact ring I was talking about.
It looked expensive. It was a proper diamond. No way this is just for fashion. She is definitely engaged. It was probably worth maybe around £6500. I could be right or wrong about the price but it's a real diamond and it should past more than £3500 at least.

Why was she not telling me the truth? That was a bit strange. What Is it there for her to hide afterall getting engaged isnt a bad thing

I started to wonder if I was actually a brother to her.

"Food is here", Shantel shouted while heading to the living room

"What are you doing!?". She shouted

Ohh There is your ring, take it just incase it gets missen".

"Come and let's eat", Shantel said heading to the dinning table

"Your ring is going to get mis...".

"Just leave it Mike", "it doesn't matter". Shantel interrupted in an annoying voice.

As I went to the dinning table, Shantel's hands was on her upper forehead with her face facing down while seated on the dining chair infront of the table.

"Are you alright?". I said sitting next to her

There was a silent which was unusual when it comes to Shantel. She was always loud and engaging. What happened I asked myself?

It could be her dad. That's the only reasonable reason.

"Did you go see your dad?". I asked softly

"Yeah, I have, Shantel said while looking at me with a blank face.

I was wondering why that look but asking her was probably not the right time.

She looked really not herself.

Come here I said while leaning in for a tight hug.

It will be fine. I kissed her on her forehead and gave her another hug.


Am really glad you went to see your dad". Mike said while he had his hands through my hair.

He let go of me and said do you want us to to see him? He asked desperately

Erm I need ...

As I was about to finish my sentence my phone ranged and it was Leo.

Shantel: Hello,

Leo: Are.you comming at 3:00?

Shantel: yeah, will talk to you in a bit

Leo: ok bye

"I need to go see my friend at 3:00 and we can go see dad tommorrow". I said while rushing for the ring and my keys.

You can eat what you can, am leaving now.

"If you say so". He replied with disappointment.

I really need to speak to Leo in person. I just don't believe he can do this to me. He broke up with me on the phone. Not even with respect.

I tied my blonde hair in a messy ponytail and looked straight at my blue eyes and I didn't really know what was wrong with me.
I wasn't bad looking at all but I wondered the reason behind the break up. Leo didn't even give a reason.

I grabbed my jacket, the ring and headed for the door.

The moment I got into my car, I looked at the ring some more. It was just unbelievable. Just within a week Leo regretted buying me this ring is just confusing. I place the ring in my bag.

I went to a bar Leo told me to go to. He has his curly hair tied backwards with his black shades.

Hey I said very calmly.

Hello, Leo responded.

He gave me his palm like I owed him money

Can I have the ring please? He asked impatiently

I need a reason Leo, it just doesn't make sense I stated

Have already told you several times.
I dont have feelings for you anymore. He added

Wow, so you tryna tell me feelings do fade within a week.

Listen I wasn't thinking twice about it. I realised my feelings ain't that strong with you.

I just want to take it back for a refund. Leo added.

I gave him a shocking look. What did he just say? I asked myself like am gonna find answers to it.

You don't care about me do you? I asked with a disappointed look

I do but not to that extend. Just try and understand me. He added

Ok let me get a drink from the waitress and maybe that will cool you down. Leo suggested

This guy is the most careless person in the world right now.
He had the nerves to ask if I want a drink after trying to come at me for the ring like that and moreover I told him my dad is on his late bed and this is all he can ever do.

"Too late now Leo, I dont need a bloody drink". Do you even really care about me? I asked with a raise voice.

Listen this isnt the time for this. I need that ring Shantel

People in the bar started looking around and I have never felt this embarrassed in my life before.

All you care about is yourself isnt it, my dad is in fucking sick bed and all you gotta think about is refunding a damn ring. Life over money do you understand? I shouted on top of my lungs.

Dont make me look like a bad person Shantel. After everything I done for you, you left me in the cold when I needed you the most. Leo pointed out

Oh so am the bad person right, well I will show you who is the bad person. I said while I was running off to my car.

You ain't getting back your ring. I added

"Shantel come back". Leo said chasing me

I got straight to my car and drove off as fast as I can.

© Sandra.D