

Critic? 🦧 😮
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defence of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends... Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
©Ratatouille (2007) ❤️

A critic at a performance is like a eunuch at a harem. He sees it done nightly, but is unable to perform it himself.
©Brendan Behan

A lot of people don't know what "critic" means. They think it means, "a person who criticizes." They don't like people who do that. It seems an impotent profession. Critics are nasty, jealous, jaded and bitter. They think it is all about them. They are know it alls. They want to appear superior to everyone else. They are impossible to please. They don't understand the tastes of ordinary people. They love to tear down other people's hard work. Those who can do it, do it. Those who can't do it, criticize. What gives them the right to have an opinion? We'd be better off without them.
Criticism is a destructive activity. If I like something and the critics didn't, they can't see what is right there before their eyes because they're in love with some theory. They don't have feelings, they have systems. They think they know better than creators. They praise what they would have done, instead of what an artist has done. They use foreign words to show off. They are terrified of being exposed as the empty poseurs they are. They are leeches on the skin of art.
© $𝑎𝑟𝑡𝒉𝑎𝑘 ꣁ𝑎𝑢𝑡𓁹

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