

A Letter to Grandma
Dear Grandma,

Hello. I know it's been a while since we last talked, but, I just to let you know that I got married today. It's been 19 years since you passed but, I still would have wanted for you to see me get married to the love of my life. She's great! I just know you would've loved her if you met her.

I'm moving forward constantly, grandma. Just like I know you would have wanted me to do. I know you see me everyday from where you are right now. And I just want to say, Thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. When I was still a kid in your care, to right now, when I am starting my own family. It has been a while but I acyially still miss you. And I don't think I will ever not miss you. You were the first person to have taught me to love and respect my parents even when they scold me. To respect my elders, to give thanks to everyone, nice or not. To stay connected to God even at times of trouble. You were one of the biggest influence in my life. I will forever cherish your lessons.

And now that I am starting my own family, I will try my best to be a great father. I know I don't have to be perfect, and I never will be a perfect father. But, I can assure you that I will strive to be best version of myself, keeping your lessons with me, so that I can rise my child to be the best version of herself.

I won't make this long grandma. I kiss you. We will visit your grave soon. Tell the others up there with you that I miss them as well. I hope you keep watch over us.


Your youngest grandchild