

The wonderful world of street art
Street art is sacred.
Especially where I come from, street art is a way of remembering the past through paintings.
Fragments of my memory are stored in my heart. Memories however, fade with time. Although paintings fade too, there is something so remarkable about them that keeps them alive forever.
A way of visiting the old days, a beautiful reminisce of childhoods.
A walk through the alleys full of murals can comfort the soul. Even those who cannot comprehend the scenes in the past may just enjoy the artist's perception of the times when they lived.
To me, street art is not just some 'graffiti' or an eye catching blob of colour, it represents culture and belonging, something that can touch the hearts of people who have similar sentiments.
If you ever spot maybe some paintings along the streets, prehaps you could check it out.
I promise it will not be a waste of time.

It's a whole different world, the world of street art.

I honestly didn't know why I wanted to write about street art but I think its just really amazing...
Hope you didn't get bored while I was rambling about murals 😅