

I un-stretched my smile, give it a look of maturity,
Tons of make-ups firstly light pink, brown then slutry.

A sip of beer and wearing dress to show off my extra skin,
But Alas! You had your same signature grin.

I changed a lot of things for you but you never noticed, I tried my bones off but again you never paid any attention.
Here I am and asking you with everything in me. Though disappointment scares me but I will ask you one last thing before leaving.
I have two ways infront of me, if I will choose right one I swear I won't bother you in future. If I will take left one I will chase you for some more time, but what will be end?
Will you let me be the one for you?

(Mirror never replied and it was understandable, it was not it's place to describe.)

Alas! Then find me on the right path,
I will leave some mark.

(She did as she promised to her fragile heart, left him but not hopes.
Being hopeful is disaster but she can't die because of a tiny problem.)