



I didn't give my wife the nod to bring in a house help. I never in any way encouraged her to do so. She was the one always complaining about the house chores, that she needed an assistant.

She needed someone who will help take care of the home while she goes to work. I told her countless of times to abort such a plan. I told her we could do it together and get used to it.

Even though I was very busy at work being the senior chief of staff in my workplace. I always find a space out of my busy schedule just to help her when she couldn't do the house chores because ometimes she goes to work early.

The work in the house wasn't really much as she had claimed. In fact I opted her to quit her job and take care of the home but she retaliated.

"Honey, please don't even mention that. How can you tell me to quite my job, do you know how long it took me to get this job after being jobless for years? Do you know how many ladies out there who wish to be in my shoes?" She replied annoyingly.

"It doesn't matter how long it took you to get the job. I am doing better and we are very contented with what we have. I am in charge of everything in this family. I don't see the reason you should be working." I said.

"I am living my dream. I have my siblings and home to take care of and I don't need to depend on you for everything. I didn't get married to become a housewife." She was insisted as she cat-walked out of my presence.

That was the first time in history my wife ever walked of my presence. We usually had minor issues but the level of walking out of my presence was embarrassing. I was in astonishment!

Never did I allow the whole matter to get tougher, I have to swallow the matter for peace to reign. I truly know she was living her dream working as an Accountant. But then I was doing pretty fine and was capable of funding all the bills in the family, I was also ready to render help to her family member.

Was this how she was going to continue in the marriage for us to bear kids? I questioned my inner mind but then stood speechless in my spot in wonderment.

Saturday evening, I just returned from meeting. The both of us don't work on Saturday, so earlier in the day I had an important meeting with my fellow senior management staff.

When I entered into the sitting room. I met this dark-skinned lady with a very charming look and big size shape. The shape of her bum bum says much of her waist. It was heavenly. She was busy cleaning the table when I met her.

At first I was mad at her and ignored her greetings and went straight into our matrimonial room to confront my wife.