

To Be A Father

Every 1st, 3rd, & 5th
weekend of every month,
isn't enough time,
to be father.

48 hours to speak
about things they,
already, told
mom & stepdad.

48 hours to
guide to protect,
them, from
veering off the

48 hours to
lead by,

48 hours spending
with all four of them.

Father a daughter,
who won't speak to you,
she'll just quietly, clown you.

Father three sons
one who loves,
he adores you.

Two of
which rather,
be hanging,
with cool,
two dad,
he's covered,
in tattoos.

48 hrs to show
your daughter
how a man
must honor,
love, and
his wife.

Though, it's typically pointless. Teaching their daughter abuse,
is how men are to show you,
what love is.

48 hours is not enough time to father boys into men.
To teach them men,
are both masculine,
and gentle.

A lover and a fighter.
Showing what's required,
for manhood.

A father can only raise a girl, he can not teach her all she needs to know to survive and function, in womanhood.

A woman can only raise a boy, and she cannot teach him how real men respond comfortably into their masculinity.

© Aziah In Thought