

The Unknown Adventute

Once,Two brothers named Vicky and Ricky they lived in a city and they planned a trip to a new place so they left their house and took their bicycles and went ahead to a new unknown path.

They ride far and far then they saw trees all around so Vicky said "I think we are reached at a forest" Ricky said "Yes its a forest but Don't worry brother, we shall try a new experience." Vicky replied "I think we shall go back to home" Ricky said "come on brother Don't scare, I am with you lets go ahead".

After that they went near a river and they saw a boat near it, so they park their bicycle and cross the river through boat.They realized that they were deep in forest and scared a bit but they walk ahead for a long time.While they were walking they heared a sound of roar of lion they were frightened and run away back to the river without thinking anything  and they saw that the boat was missing there.

They were just confused
that what to do? They climb a big tree which was strong and they make a tree house over there to live then they
ate some fruits from that tree and as the tree was big they were able to see animals and being aware from those harmful animals so it was evening time and they decided to spend a night on the tree house and for managing water Ricky went towards the river and Vicky stayed on tree house to guide Ricky from harm of animals.

Ricky went to bring water and he took water into wooden bucket made by both Ricky and Vicky and when Ricky was coming back to tree house he suddenly fall down and slided downwards from the slope of a digged hole and Vicky also came quickly calling him and slide down the slope of hole.

They were sliding down deep and yelled so much and then they stopped at the ladder where slope ended then they both climbed up the ladder and they found themselves on a unknown place which was different from the forest.

They saw huts and farms and they started walking towards huts and they reached near a hut they knocked the door of hut a man came out who was like a villager and Vicky asked that man his name and that man replied "I am John".Ricky said "You don't seem to be a villager". John replied "Yes I am not a villager and this is not a village". Vicky shocked and said "Is this not a village then where we are?"

                       "You just take a breathe boy" said John then John took both of them inside the hut and give them water and some cookies and they both have that and John asked them about them and Ricky told all about both of them and the tragedy in which they are trapped.

                      Vicky asked John about the place and John said"I am a worker of this land owner and all the people are working under him". Ricky asked
"Who is he ?" John replied "Alex, his name is Alex, he is the lord of this land" Ricky asked "why this land looks like a village and why this land is not developed?" John answered "Lord Alex don't wanted development in this land so he also lives in a wooden house which is at the centre of this land." they both were known a bit about the land and John said them to take nap for sometime and they both slept for sometime.
They both woke up in morning and became fresh then Ricky asked "why is Lord Alex not developing this land"
John replied "when Lord Alex was a child and his father named Mac was the owner of this land they decided to develop this land and this land was unknown from this world that time also and now in present also it is unknown from this world so that time a women who was camed from the forest and make her house but some people of lord Mac restricted her to make her house there and remove that women out of house and then that house was also bursted by that people infront of that women and she cursed shouting that "if this land will be developed then the lord Mac will die and after that if his next generation do that so then they will also die"so hearing this that people of Lord Mac try to make that women a prisoner but she pushed that people hided in a bush then after sometime she escaped from the land by the slope you both came here but when people who removed that women told Lord Mac about curse he ignored it and ordered to develop the land and suddenly he was died."

Then they both understood that because of Alex father's death because of that curse, Alex is not developing land and if Lord Alex do so then he will also die. Vicky asked John that how can now they escape from the land and the forest as they were forgotten the area where from they came by sliding so John told them to meet Lord Alex he can surely help in this case so they both requested John to took them to Lord Alex house and to request him for their help so John took them to the Lord Alex house and John told everything about that two brothers and their tragedy to Lord Alex.

                     Lord Alex was so kind so he accepted their request and decided to help both Ricky and Vicky
So Lord Alex  took them at a mountainous region and Lord Alex called a Eagle with a different voice like an Eagle, then Lord Alex told them to have a sit on the Eagle and Eagle flown in the sky and they both frightened but enjoyed that sky journey and that Eagle leave them at the area where they parked their bicycle and they were known the path ahead and when they have their bicycles, the Eagle was flown away and they both happily went to their home and told all the incident to their parents and then they never choose any unknown path without telling to their parents.

The Adventure ends here
Thank you
Love u all ❤❤

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