

It's not a story...
With everything going as it has been going around, I have been wondering even if we die, are we going to die in a better scenario or the worst? Worst scenario? Could it be?
Yea for me the worst scenario have to be someone I have cut of my self completely from. Someone I have been close to my whole life and it felt it has just been vanished. I am just pretty amazing at forgiving people (blah).
I have been ignoring the fact that it comes down to hurt you. Just in case I have been praising myself alot, I wanted to disclose that I have certainly chosen some of them to be pushed out of my life forever.
It just takes 2 minutes to decide to let go people, and I have been doing this my whole life. Fortunately, there haven't been many people who have thrown me to reach my utmost frustration level to abandon them forever. Nonetheless, I have Learned in past couple of weeks that I haven't been scared about possibly anything more than the feeling that there is someone I have not been able to forgive. It's just a thought that if world survives or ends, you survive or I survive... am I just going to snub the fact that I need to forgive someone before it actually happens? Am I actually going to repent on some melodrama throughout my entire existence?
I know it's hard but aren't we all a mere display of disappointment, to someone or atleast one?

It doesn't matter what cost your heart, what breaks you, what broke you....

If you're not able to forgive someone and you truly feel they deserve one last chance. We are one party! Just one call, one message or what ever it takes.

One last time...try to forgive.... it's hard, but it certainly worthy for someone's repentance..
Live long....