

Teddy bear
In the city of minwo#-this city doesn't exist 😐-also spellings might be rong other wise please continue #
The city of minwo a old city that is located in the heart of the forest of enchantrix known to have very many curse from its history live a quiet and peaceful family for now, people still dispised it not becouse of a family member or anything In fact it didn't even have much members in it just a single mother a boy and a little girl that came to visit every now n then. The reason they dispised them was becouse of a curse granted by an dieing devil about a hundred years ago as she burned into ashes from the holy flames of fire, Shouting in pain and ahcony. "Hear my final words you bunch of cowereds in the name of mankind...your clan shall not continue to live for more then 200 yrars your final ganuralation shall watch its world disappear and rome this earth trapped in the cage of a vasal until the end of time itself.. " with those words she parishes into black flames screening as she took her final breath, But right now every thing was fine it was an happy family what was there to worry about? Nothing, was rong" [yoshinora>hey! Kids you guys hungry or no?] [lili>... Your Moms calling lets go eat] [toru>but I'm not hungry are you?] [lili>......] [yoshinora>ya coming or not I'm counting till 5 1.....][both >n-yes!!! Wer very hungry you serve the food wel be there] [yoshinora>(¬`¬) tsk-] both the kids run to the kitchen that is made out of dark ock wood with shade windows, really old "but will last at least another 65 years" that's what yoshinora used to tell both toru and lili, lili was the disendend of the tecku clan-#this clan doesn't exist eather #the tecku clan used to be an really respected clan u till the leader was known to be the mad man of the forest but yoshinora didn't really care she was being called names too after all and yet lili was just a little child what was rong with her? It was all just a miss belive an made up fantasy, [yoshinora >ridiculous!] yoshinora thought
One of the chair's let out a creeky noise as lili sat down on it which made yoshinora wake up from her day dreaming [yoshinora >oh dear we must have it fixed later on*chuckles*] [toru>laughs*] [lili>hey! That's not funny]

Chapter 1 end
To be continued