

Experiments are something we can’t observe them, or even touch them, but our minds can. The memory of brain can storage a huge information from each experiment we undergo. The experiment came to teach us something then it leave. Each person deal with Experiments in a different way, so that reflection the different in the way of evry person life, and that what distinguishe you from others in this planet. You may go through the same experiment with someone alse but the different how you interprite it. Make a corner which gathring each your experiments and add anew one every day. Ask your self are they can raise you above over the sky, and give you the happiness and powerful, or you made a cover of them to hide behind it. Your thoughts, your belives here is the secret .
If the experiment had a bad consequences, you must reinterpritation it even that take a time.Just remember there is a value from each human experiment you undergoe.

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