

Two Love Story
In the Taj Hotel Of Mumbai, the famously powerful and handsome businessman Vineet Malik and his brother Vihaan malik was doing dinner, Vihaan is also a handsome guy. Both the brother are most powerful in the world and they both also known as a vampire in the underworld. They rule the underworld. After dinner, they reach the parking area where their car Lamborghini was parked. They sit in their car and start the car toward their house. The house name was Vaikurta mansion in their the Ramu Kaka and their few guards were there. The house was like a palace. They both and other member house are gone to their bedroom to sleep.
At next day they both get ready, do breakfast and leave for the meeting with their guards.
On the other side in the 3 bhk flat the two girls name Manali and Anaya and their baby brother Rohan was living. Their family died in a car accident and Rohan is an adopted child by their family. Manali and Anaya beautiful beautiful girls. Manali is the manager is VM company. Vineet Malik company. Anaya is a Fashion designer and Rohan is only 7 years old. After the meeting of Vineet, he comes into his cabin where Manali was waiting to sign a paper from Vineet When Vineet see Manali for the first time his heart starts beating fast Vineet get the first site love on Manali. In Bandra Company one most top - building floor was the Anaya fashion designer shop. Vihaan comes on goes in that shop and collision with Anaya. Vihaan was flirty starts Flirting with Anaya and Anaya also take part in her interest in writing.
They both go to the cafe and after a long time chit chat, they become friends and also exchange one their number with each other, then live for their house. Every day Vineet getting a new feeling for Manali and he conforms to his feeling that he in love with Manali. Manali was also confirmed she has feelings for Vineet. On the other side, Vihaan and Anaya talk every day on call and meets at a cafe.
They were also in a relationship. One day Manali was talking to her male client with a friendly but Vineet was jealous because of seeing them.
Vineet decides to propose tonight. At 8 pm, Vineet took the Manali with him to the yard, the yard decorate with rose, Manali was shocked by seeing the yard, both come on the yard and Vineet proposes Manali. Manali shocked by the proposal but then she said Yes. She tells everything about her family. Vineet was very happy today. Vihaan and Anaya also confess their love to each other.
After a few days passed......
One day Vineet - Manali and vihaan - Anaya was in the same hotel and they were shocked to see each other in the same hotel. After solving every confusion, they leave with each other.
After few months........
Vihaan- Anaya and Vineet-Manali got married Manali and Anaya also take their brother with them to the vaikurta mansion. They five were living a happy life.
After two years Manali gives birth to a girl and Anaya to a boy.
Vineet -Manali and Vihaan - Anaya were made for each other.

HAPPY ENDING............