

The Day Everything Changed: Chapter One
My head is throbbing while a million chilling thoughts are rushing through my mind. Where the fuck am I? When will anyone notice I'm gone? What are my best friends Emma, Jesse and my boyfriend, Augustus going to feel when they have to attend my funeral?

I've been blindfolded and I can feel the slow trickle of warm blood running down the side of my face mixing in with all the tears that can't seem to stop coming. I try to scream, but it just comes out as a muffled wail through the tape. Even if I could scream out loud, would anyone here my desperate plea?

I attempt to feel what I'm surrounded by. I'm sitting on a floor. My hands are tightly bound together with rope and so are my feet, leaving the ability to walk completely hopeless. Maybe if I just scoot a little around the room I'm in, I'll be able to feel what's around me. I move as much as I possibly can, but the only surface I feel beneath my finger tops is the bitterly cold concrete. I must be in a cellar or basement somewhere.

Okay Addy. Just breathe, I tell myself, but it doesn't seem to be working. My anxiety gets the best of me. Oh God, I cry out in my mind. Please don't let this be the end for me. I'm only seventeen. My life is practically just beginning. I'm suppose to be celebrating my eighteenth next month. Me and A had just been accepted to Washington State University a couple months ago. Will I ever get the opportunity now?

There's been several times where I've thought about making everything in my life come to a end, but I would never actually go through with it. Just all those teen hormones we all go through now and then. Now, my life might end, because of someone elses own actions. That thought is truly mind numbing.

I desperately wish I could go back to this morning when everything was normal and I thought I despised life and everything about my mother. My oh so awfully perfect mother that I'd give literally anything to see again right now. #writco #writcostorychallenge #Love #pain #writcowriter