

Kei and her mother when living at home, shift three houses. But all those house were only nearby. Only one was far in little bit, but the remainder face each other. In that third house Keis mother was selling ice creem but latter on she stop the business.
Three days before going at the new school, Kei with her relative Amina were speaking about new road which soon was being made. They were only have a small thinking on that and advice each of them to know how the process of how they make road. And before she went to school, she told Amina to know all the process and she agree.

At the first time when reporting at school, kei was not think so if she will study in boarding in her life. Her mother pay for her pocket money and went away. When doing those process, Kei was not understand anything and only agree . She thought that maybe she was being left in order to go in the class and then latter she will be taken atagree. But after her class lesson, she...