

Lucky Being With You
" I love you, 3,000 and that's a promise."
~ Zoë Kaià 

You are falling in love with your friend. What should you do? Write a story...

Take risks because you wouldn't know if they feel the same way, ask them if they feel the same way, clear rejection is better than false promises, be brave to accept rejections even if it hurts, you'll find the right one soon, the one who is your calm in the middle of the war, the one who can piss you off but you can't live without, the one who can hold your hand when the world is crumbling down, the one who can make you feel good and beautiful, and I found that in him.

Him and I are long been friends before we admitted our feelings for each other, long year, the promises he kept, that one fight that we thought we'd lose each other, but we stood by each other and fixed that misunderstanding because our love won no matter what happens the happiness he made me feel every time like I'm the queen of the universe, he loves me for who and whatever am I, for my good and bad days and I love him more every day for that.

Respect, trust and love matter most in relationships. He gave me that; he made efforts like no one can, like giving me poems before he went to work; he made sure that I was okay first; oh, what a selfless man I've got, right? He's rare, and my angel; I will always be here no matter what happens; I'm not going anywhere too; I'll always be your anchor, your comfort, your friend and your lover.

I am so happy when you confirmed our relationship, that you made my dreams come true too, being loved by the man I love the most, I'm the luckiest girl on this planet to be called yours, I love you by you and not what the others will say, f*ck what others will tell us, the important is we love each other, I don't want to lose you too, and whatever may come to us in the future, let's fixed that together, okay? I love you, forever, my love.


© Z.K 🩷