

An Unusual Bond
An Unusual Bond

It's been 50 years since the great war between heaven and hell have finished, the angels and demons are finally at peace and agreed to make the human world a safe place, no more crimes, wars and suffering.

The high ranking angels also known as arch angels are at the highest place of heaven, where God's kingdom is located but there is one arch angel that resides in the lowest part of heaven, his name is Abaddon also known as the destroyer.

During the time of war, he guarded the gate of heaven from demons who dares to invade his homeland until heaven declared peace and with that, it ended the war with hell.

Him, being a guard is getting more useless, so he build a tavern to a place where heaven and hell shared with eachother also known as purgatory.


Suddenly the tavern door opened revealing a beautiful demoness who has a physical appearance of a little girl, this she-demon name is Lucy.

She has a reputation of being one of the powerful demons in hell who killed a thousand of angels all by herself, she is also an arch nemesis of Abaddon but after the war they turned from enemies to bestfriend.

"You're early, the tavern just got opened, so what brings you here?" Abaddon said to her with a warm smile.

"I'm bored, there's nothing to do back home" Lucy said and let out a sigh.

"How about some tea?" Abaddon asked her.

"I don't like tea, I want some coffee" She replied.

"I'll let you try my special brew of coffee, it's also known as the strongest caffeine in the entire world!" Abaddon cheerfully said while raising his right hand to the air with pride.

"But they are all the same right? How can this one be so different?" Lucy asked him in confusion.

"Well, this coffee was planted on the deepest part of hell, since the war ends, hell has been importing some of its product to heaven" Abaddon explained.

"I didn't know Satan have been planting this type of coffee" Lucy said in awe.

Abaddon just chuckled in reply as he prepared to make the coffee with a special equipment.

"Huh, that's one unorthodox coffee maker you got there?" Lucy said out of curiousity.

"This coffee maker here can withstand the powerful demon power inside of the coffee beans once we brew it, if we used a normal coffee maker, this whole tavern is going to blow up" Abaddon said with a calm tone.

"What?! Why do you make it sound okay?!" Lucy said fearing for her life.

A few minutes later~

Abaddon has finished making the coffee for lucy.

"Lucy, you can come out now!" Abaddon called out.

Lucy has been hiding under one of the dining table of the tavern fearing that an explosion will occure, she get out of her hiding place and return to the pub table.

"You could've warned me first before making something so dangerous, you know!" She exclaimed while glaring at the angel.

The demon turned her attention to the coffee infront of her, she pick uo the cup and smell the strong aroma of the caffeine.

"Woah! y-you're not kidding" Lucy said while coughing a little bit from the strong scent.

She took a tiny sip from the cup and her eyes lightened up.

"T-This is really delicious! Just the coffee that I wanted!" She gleefully said.

Without warning she straight up drink the coffee in one gulp.

"Ummm, I don't think that's a great idea" Abaddon said with a worried tone but still keeping his composure.

"What's there to worr-"

Just then, her pupils shrunk and her red horns started to glow brightly.

"W-w-what's happening to me?!' She exclaimed.

The she-demon is starting to hyperventilate and her whole body started shaking.

"I want more, I WANT MORE!!!!"

The demon screamed and run around the tavern causing millions worth of damage.

"And she will stop right... about... now" The angel said.

Lucy fell to her back at the wooden floor of the tavern and she stared at the ceiling after the effects of the coffee wears down.

"By Satan's name, what the hell just happened?" Lucy said, breathing heavily from exhaustion.

Abaddon just look at her and chuckled.

A few hours later~

"I will never try your special brew ever again" Lucy groaned.

"It isn't that bad, it will just make you a little lively that's all" Abaddon said with a chuckle.

Lucy looked at him with an "are you serious?" look.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you?" Lucy said.

"What is it? Abaddon replied

"What if we decided to have a private wrestling match at your room?" Lucy sultry said.

"That's an odd question" Abaddon looking confused.

"And then you accidentally break my neck" Lucy said grimly.

"There's still a chance of you surviving though, I will take you to one of the healers to fix your broken neck" Abaddon said still keeping the calm tone.

"Augh! You're too nice!" Lucy exclaimed

"Isn't it obvious?" Abaddon chuckled and pointed at his Halo.

"How about you take down the whole angel act for just a second" Lucy feeling frustrated.

Suddenly an idea just struck her.

"What if I died on the spot, what would you do to my body?" Lucy said while smirking at him.

Suddenly Abaddon's face turned dark and her halo transformed into a horn, she stared at Lucy's eyes.

This sent chills down her spine when the angel's personality change.

"I'll bury you at the backyard of the tavern, surely no one will ever find your body there" Abaddon said with a dark tone in his voice.

"W-Wow! That's great then!" Lucy stuttered, her eyes darting back and forth trying to find an escape.

"O-Oh, would you look at the time I must be going now, nice talking to you Abaddon!" Lucy said nervously and quickly darted outside.

"She is such a cutie" Abaddon chuckled and removed the illusion spell to turn his horn back to a halo.
© Dave