

21. Dominic you should know better
Mia's P.O.V

The dinner over in a massive fight between Dimitri and Dominic no one got involved because Levin said not to.

He told me and Elizabeth to leave before one of us got injured and we did just so Luca and Ezra followed us to Elizabeth's room.

All of the Siblings have a room in Dimitri's castle even Dominic but he's not allowed here anymore the castle was Levin's he use to live in the supernatural world but he then moved back to the demon world when it was time for him to be king and he left this castle to Dimitri's mother and then she passed away from old age and give the castle to her son Dimitri yes Dimitri's mother was a human and that's how the castle became Dimitri's.

Dimitri is the only sibling with a different parent; all the rest share the same parents.

"Luca are you ok" Elizabeth asked.

Luca was face down on the bed and he was extremely quiet but he never talks so I don't see anything wrong with that.

"No Liz I'm fucking upset" he said calmly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Mianea I hate fighting" he said he was now sitting on the bed facing us. Now I can see his face clearly. He is very handsome, he has very red lips but his skin is very white skin.

"I don't know why Dominic had to come here; he knows Dimitri hates his guts" said Elizabeth.

"I don't know why they can't make up" said Ezra

"I don't think they ever will seeing that he kidnapped me and lied about taking my virginity away and the sickest part was he messed with my head so I couldn't remember if he was lying or not"

"Wait what?" Elizabeth said in shock. Everyone looked at me in shock. They didn't know oh shit I guess Dimitri didn't want them to or maybe he was waiting to tell them at a different time me and my big mouth.

"Seriously?" Luca asked.

"Yeah" I replied

"He's gone fully mad," said Ezra.

"So how long did he kidnap you for Mia?" asked Ezra with a concerned look on his face.

"Two years," I replied.

"What are you kidding right?" Elizabeth asked.

"No I'm not he kidnapped me and he played with my head I still can't remember much of what happened maybe it's a good thing"

"You poor thing" said Dominic.

"What are you doing here you bastard!" Elizabeth screamed at him.

"Oh I came to show the princess this" he held Dimitri's head up above him.

"Oh my goodness he killed Dimitri!" I screamed and dropped to the floor crying oh my goodness he killed him how can I live without him.

"He is not dead," said Elizabeth.

She then took the head from Dominic and teleported out of the room.

"What does she mean he isn't dead?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"His head can be reattached," said Dominic.

"If I wanted him dead he would be. I just wanted a little time to say hello to my dear brothers and I know he won't allow me to freely so I had to decapitate him so I can get some time. It would take him a couple hours before he's fully awake"

"Ok you already said your hello so leave now" said Evin.

"Oh I would be back soon bye Luca"

"Don't talk to me," said Luca.

Dominic walked towards Luca; he was about to touch him when Luca grabbed his hand, Lucas's eyes were now red and black and black veins emerged from his skin the veins were on his neck and arms so this is what they look like when they turn full demon.

"Don't touch me" said Luca even when he's angry his voice is still calm and emotionless.

"I'm sorry for fighting him I know you hate fighting but no need to get all mad about it"

"Not that Dominic," said Luca.

"Then what?" asked Dominic.

"I know what you did to Mia," said Luca.

"I told you not to use your fucking mind tricks on me Luca"Dominic said angrily.

"She told us but she couldn't remember everything but now that I entered you mind I know everything now leave you sick fuck" said Luca and Dominic did as he was told he left.

"What did he do to Mia?" asked Ezra.

"It is disturbing to say," said Luca.

"I can help you remember if you like," said Luca.

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