

Somnambulistic Living of the 21st Century◽

I have given this a great deal of thought .

And, I have arrived at a juncture in my thoughts of this world. With all the contrivances, apparatuses, innovations, the information super-highway and indiscriminately over-abundant living many have subconsciously adapted or evolved and, perhaps most devastatingly of all, quite simply bottomed-out and effetely given way to a somnambulistic way of life.

We go through life on autopilot, some without an embryonic thought. And in the process, we the people, have taken an enormous step backward in evolution and revolution and started an unraveling and relinquished the power of our minds, free thinking, and originality; inadvertently bringing about a metaphorical slap in the faces of all the monumental leaders of this world and those who have heroically laid down their lives for ironically, progress.
d. nelson 01/10/2018