


"Nobita, Nobitaaaa!"

I frowned when I saw Damulag and Soniyo waving both hands at me. Here come the bullies again. I thought they were going to bully me again or force me to play a baseball game.

"What?" I asked.

"We have something to show you!" Damulag said happily while grinning from ear to ear.

"A toy? Storybook? Antique?"

"Just come with us! You'll see."

Expect the unexpected. But never assume. Being a normal high schooler is not easy. You have to double your activeness in everything. You have to endure pain and just accept your stupidity, being judged by everyone and not complaining at all. My experience of being one of those who got bullied a lot leads me to trust no one but only myself.

I laughed when I saw a weird cat. Soniyo just smirked.

"What is so special about this weird cat? A pouch? Lol, where did you find this?"

"At the backyard of our house," Damulag caressed the cat.

"So what now? Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"No. We want you to have this cat. You have to clean it every day and take care of it" Soniyo clapped his hand and then waved at me. "I have to go back" then he walked away.

"Yes. Me too. Good luck, Nobita." Damulag tapped my shoulder before he left.

I was left dumbfounded. I stared at the weird cat. It was colored blue and white, and just like a Kangaroo, it has a pouch on its stomach. And the weirdest thing, it can stand like a human and sit like a cute kid. I sighed in disbelief. That bullies gave me another problem to carry.

"Whoever owns you, go back to him or her," I whispered and tried to leave.

"No one owns me."

I stiffened when I heard a voice. A normal voice. What is the fudge?

"I am Doraemon. You are Nobita, my new master!"

I immediately turned my back and saw the cat smiling at me.

"W-what the heck, a cat can talk?!"

"Don't be scared!"

"W-what kind of cat are you?"

"I am Doraemon."

"No, I mean…"

"You are Nobita, my new master."

I gulped. Am I imagining things?

"Please take care of me."

A year has passed, and Doraemon and I get along well. He gives me the things I want to have and helps me with my assignments. But it feels surreal seeing Soniyo and Damulag being kind to me.

"I don't think you're in favor of letting me borrow your books, Soniyo. What happened? Did you eat something... you know---"

"If I were you, I'll grab this opportunity to have everything I want! Just do whatever you want Nobita! I was so rude to you but this time I have learned my lesson. I'll be good."

So I let myself read my favorite comics for free! Not minding the sudden changes in Soniyo's treatment of me.

"You can play a baseball game every time you are in your mood, Nobita! I'll let you play with me!"

I laughed a bit when Damulag handed me the baseball bat. Aw? Finally, it's my time to shine!

"You won't believe this Sezuka! Damulag and Soniyo were so nice to me these past few days! What do you think? Aren't they drunk or something? They are acting weird."

"I don't think they need something from you. Maybe they want to be a better person now."

I ignored those. I focused on making Doraemon my human diary. Every time I'm sad I let him see me crying.

One afternoon the results of our exam last week has been distributed by our teacher. I was unconcerned about my scores letting my mom see the results without thinking about her possible reaction.

"You stupid lazy boy! Zero over One Hundred?! Nobita?! You are being useless to this family! Such a burden!"

I was beaten by her. I didn't eat my lunch and my dinner for 2 days. All I did was cry and convinced myself to be a rebel.

"Nobita don't cry nah. You should study hard and let them see your sacrifices," Doraemon comforted me.

"N-no! They will never see my worth!"

I can see my future, not good. I know. All those sacrifices I have done, it turns out to be trash. Because I know I am not smart enough to make my parents proud.

Years passed, and unexpected circumstances happened. Some of the children in our town were found dead on the river near the forest, some of their body parts were dislocated while their blood was sucked out---- according to the autopsy. They also found some traces of the suspect but one of the great detectives mentioned a monster sucking blood every night and eating human flesh.

"Do you think this is just a prank? I mean neither vampires nor monsters are real am I right, Doraemon?"

I moved sideways to let the police enter the house where another child was found dead early in the morning.

"We should get going."

On the other day, other children were killed. But the shock was evident on my face when the news reached me, the two victims were Damulag and Soniyo.

That night I can't sleep. Thinking about those children, who are the culprit? Or... Is it a human? I know this might sound crazy but I want to know! I was distracted when I heard some noise. I turned to see if Doraemon sleeps quietly but he was not there on his bed.


There's a small scream downstairs. I can hear it! I immediately went downstairs and to my horror, I saw a big blue and white cat eating my mom's flesh while bathing in my mom's blood. I tried to stop myself from screaming and trembling. I turned to go to the kitchen and get some knives but before I could step forward the roaring sound of that creature made me freeze for a while.

"How I hate the taste of an adult. Children are more delicious than them, am I right Nobita?"

"W-Who are y-you?"

"I was thinking lately, should I eat you too? But I have a small heart--- aw I'll just thank you for sheltering me and believing I am an innocent cat then eat you."

Even though I am trembling and my tears are falling I turned to see that creature. My heart beats fast as I stared at his sharp teeth. No... Doraemon is a monster?! I found out who was behind those carnages but it seems like the payment for knowing the truth was my soul and my body.

"I can't spare you this time so I'm going to eat you! RAAAWWWR!!"

I didn't move because I am shocked. When he attacked me I closed my eyes. I felt severe pain in my stomach. It's like something so sharp is cutting it! And before I could even scream and protests, Doraemon started eating my flesh.

© shesprettyvillain