

I run
Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run...
I go hard and as fast I can , because when I adruptly come to a stop I'll get high of the run and adrenaline and I'll fight to stay standing with the high attacking me to fall.
its one of my favourite things to do when I can't get drugs.

run far and wide all over the fields and up the hills on the roads and trails . when I was healthy I'd enjoy a short run and working out for a bit. I know a girl who is a good runner she has awards and trophies for running and winning .
she has nice strong legs she takes care of and she runs very well and quick and steady.

running is a popular sport . there is races and track and field involves running , there's running long short jumps and 100 metre run , 50 metre run .

like the horses or wolves following the eagle , running through the fields and forests after the eagle . running free and wild into the night never stopping winning the fight . open range in sight never gonna stop running all day and all night . gaining powers yo run quicker and smoothly feeling amazing and ruling the moment and feeling high . never want to stop running i want to run until I die.

run on !
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