

The value of knowledge
A very prestigious manufacturing company who was known for being the leader in their particular industry, had a very important piece of machinery (their air compressor) stall out one afternoon, which in turn shut down the whole plant since almost every machine ran off of the air that this gigantic compressor supplied throughout the plant.
Supervision sent everyone home having nothing for anyone to do without air, while the company's top maintnance men worked hard trying to get the compressor to start back up. Those men worked around the clock trying everything they could with no avail. It was time to call the owner of the company and tell him the bad news.
After hearing his company hasn't ran all night the owner was furious! he ordered the supervisor to call the employees and tell them all to stay home untill further notice.
Another whole day and night go by and maintenance still hasnt been able to get this compressor to fire up. As they were all very frustrated, wiping sweat from their heads, in walks the owner and the vice president of the company to see the progress, only to find there hasn't been any progress at all.
At this point, with the amount of money already lost and a projected down time of another few days maybe, the owner decided to call in a company who specializes in the exact compressor they have.
The next day about an hour into the morning shift and only maintnance at the plant, an old Honda N600 pulls in. Evveryone began to laugh as a short little old man made his way out of that old clunker and then got a little lunch box out of the back seat before starting to walk toward the plant. "Surely this can't be the guy that's going to work on the compressor " one maintenance man mumbled to another. "Nahh, what company would send a an old fart like this to fix a million dollar piece of equipment?" the other said. "My company!" the little old man exclaimed... "and if you guys knew how to do your jobs, I wouldn't have to be here" he added, as he walked through the entryway and to the back of the plant where the compressor sat quietly, and cold.
The old man turned on the control panel to see the display. Then turned it on amd off again. He then walks over to his little red tool box and pulls out a small ball peen hammer and returns to the compressor. He climbs up a step ladder by the machine and puts his ear to the cold steel. Everyone started laughing hysterically. Then, he took that little hammer and tapped the machine close to where his ear rested. And another tap, and another. He lifted his head and said "that ought to do it boys", came down from the ladder, walked to the controls, flipped the switch and pressed the start button and chuga chuga chuga it was running! the old man left the building smiling and everyone else, well, they were all scratching their heads!
Minutes later the old man returns with his clipboard and disappeared into the owners office. "HEY!!! There you are, the hero! How much do I owe you sir?" The owner asked.
The old gentleman did some calculations in his head and wrote out the bill and handed it to the owner. "TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?" the owner screamed, you weren't even here 10 minutes and you didn't even replace any parts! I'd like an itemized bill please." the old manTook back the bill and worte a few more things down then handed it back. the bill said 3 taps bp hammer: $1.00
knowing where to tap: $9,999.00